typedstream IBObjectData Object CustomObject SlashHelp Button Control Responder ScrollView ClipView ciifffcfffs [168c]{\rtf0\ansi{\fonttbl\f0\fswiss Helvetica;} \margl40 \margr40 \pard\tx533\tx1067\tx1601\tx2135\tx2668\tx3202\tx3736\tx4270\tx4803\tx5337\f0\b0\i0\ulnone\fs24\fc0\cf0 NXCursor NXImage NXibeam Scroller _doScroller: @@@ffs TextField TextFieldCell ActionCell Helvetica Slash Command: ButtonCell info.slashhelp Title NXreturnSign NXStringTable HashTable WGDOBY Turn on the error beep Mesa's error beep is turned on as long as the computer's speaker volume is turned up. If no beep is heard, press the button just left of the power key, which will gradually increase the speaker volume. For more information, see the 'NeXT User Reference'. pCreate a graph name to store all settings for the current graph Select Graphics -> Graph Inspector and select Name from the inspector menu. Click in the 'Graph Name' field, type in a name for the graph and press RETURN. 1. Click anywhere on the current graph to select it. 2. Select Graphics -> Graph Inspector from the Mesa menu to open the panel containing all graph options. 3. Click on Name from the column of buttons on the left side. 4. Click in the 'Graph Name' field so that a text-cursor appears. Type in a unique graph name and press RETURN. Click anywhere on the worksheet to bring it back to the front. pSpecify the input range for a data query operation Mesa does not support the Data Query commands at this time. xPerform regression analysis using specified variables Mesa does not support the Data Regression commands at this time. TDisplay graph files saved to disk Mesa does not support this feature at this time. Extract records from the input range that match the specified criteria Mesa does not support the Data Query commands at this time. Multiply two matrices and place the result in an output range Mesa does not support the Data Matrix Multiply command at this time. pParse the selected data using the given parameters Mesa does not support the Data Parse commands at this time. hInvert the selected matrix of cells Mesa does not support the Data Matrix Invert command at this time. WGDOAS Specify a default AddIn to auto-load when the program is started Mesa supports function AddIns, which are custom functions attached to Mesa when the program is started. Select Info -> Preferences and click Add. A File panel is opened. Select or type in the name of the AddIn and click OK. Click OK in the Preference panel to return to the worksheet. 1. Open the Preferences panel by selecting Info -> Preferences from Mesa's main menu. This panel displays program-resident settings. 2. In the box that reads 'Function Add-ins Loaded', click Add to open the File panel. 3. The File panel displays all files on disk. Select, by clicking, the directory containing the AddIn functions. 4. Click to highlight the function to be loaded. AddIn files end with the '.O' (for Object) extension. 5. Click OK. That function is now attached and is listed in the 'Function Add-Ins Loaded' window. Click OK in the Preferences panel to return to the worksheet. WGDOIC Specify a currency symbol in the Preferences panel Select Info -> Preferences to open the Preferences panel and enter the appropriate currency symbol in the 'Prefix' or 'Postfix' field. Click OK when done. 1. Select Info -> Preferences from Mesa's main menu to open the Preferences panel. This panel displays program resident settings. 2. Click in the 'Prefix' or 'Postfix' field, depending on whether the symbol should appear before or after the number. 3. Enter the desired symbol or label. Some examples are: -- ALTERNATE-y Japanese - yen -- ALTERNATE-3 English - pound -- ALTERNATE-4 American - cent Click OK to enter change and return to the worksheet or CANCEL to abort. WGDOCS Display the date and time in standard format on the worksheet - not applicable - The current date and time may be displayed by the system in the 'Application Dock'. For more information, see the 'NeXT User Reference'. jAdd values from a file on disk to the current worksheet Mesa does not support this feature at this time. WGDOCI Display the date and time in international format on the worksheet - not applicable - The current date and time may be displayed by the system in the 'Application Dock'. For more information, see the 'NeXT User Reference'. WGDOAC Clear a default AddIn from the auto-attach list Mesa supports function AddIns, which are custom functions attached to Mesa when the program is started. Each AddIn functions must be detached individually. To detach an AddIn, open the Preferences panel by choosing Info -> Preferences , select the AddIn to be removed from the 'Function Add-Ins Loaded' window, and click Remove. Click OK to return to the worksheet. 1. Open the Preferences panel by selecting Info -> Preferences from Mesa's main menu. This panel displays program resident settings. 2. Select the AddIn to be detached by clicking on it in the 'Function Add-ins Loaded' window. 3. Click Remove so that the AddIn disappears from the window. Click OK in the Preferences panel to return to the worksheet. WGDOCC Display the date and time on the worksheet in the most recently used format - not applicable - The current date and time may be displayed by the system in the 'Application Dock'. For more information, see the 'NeXT User Reference'. GOSYFS Set the display format for numbers along the Y-axis as scientific Click to select current graph. Select Graphics -> Graph Inspector and select Labels from the inspector menu. Click the 'Scientific Notation' box in the 'Decimal Places' field so that a checkmark appears. Click the left or right arrows in the box to adjust the decimal place setting. For Y-axis formatting, Mesa allows 0, 1 or 2 decimal places. 1. Click anywhere on the current graph to select it. 2. Select Graphics -> Graph Inspector from the Mesa menu to open the graph options panel. 3. Click on Labels from the button-bar along the left to display Label options. 4. Click the 'Scientific Notation' box so that a checkmark appears. This enables scientific formatting. 5. The 'Decimal Places' box displays the current number of decimal places. Use the left arrow to decrease the number and right arrow to increase it. Click anywhere on the worksheet to bring it back to the front. GOSYFD2 Set the display format for numbers along the Y-axis as Dates: DD-MMM Mesa does not support this feature at this time. Mesa provides only Fixed and Scientific formatting for the Y-axis values. GOSYFC Set the display format for numbers along the Y-axis as Currency Mesa does not support this feature at this time. Mesa provides only Fixed and Scientific formatting for the Y-axis values. GOSYFG Set the display format for numbers along the Y-axis as General Mesa does not support this feature at this time. Mesa provides only Fixed and Scientific formatting for the Y-axis values. GOSYFI Add a scale-indicator to the Y-axis of the current graph Mesa does not directly support scale-indicators. Instead, use Y-axis titles for indicator text (such as 'Millions'). Click to select current graph. Select Graphics -> Graph Inspector and select Titles from the inspector menu. Click in the 'Y:' field and type in a title for the Y-axis. 1. Click anywhere on the current graph to select it. 2. Select Graphics -> Graph Inspector from the Mesa menu to open the panel containing all graph options. 3. Click on Titles from the button-bar along the left to display Titles options. 4. Click in the 'Y:' field so that a text-cursor appears. Type in the Y-axis title and press RETURN. This inserts the text as a title below the axis. To use cell references, type a cell address (e.g., A1) in the 'Y:' field, then click on the 'Cell Reference' box below it. Click anywhere on the worksheet to bring it back to the front. WGDOUE rEnable the undo feature - not applicable - Mesa's undo feature is attached at all times and cannot be disabled. 9Recalculate the worksheet only when a Recalc command is issued Open the Sheet Inspector by selecting Format -> Sheet Inspector , select Recalc, click to remove the checkmark from the 'Auto Recalc' field. 1. Select Format -> Sheet Inspector from the menu. This opens a panel displaying the global worksheet settings. 2. The left side of the panel displays a column of menu choices. Click on the Recalc button to display worksheet recalculation options. 3. A 'Recalc/Debug' box appears, containing the 'Auto Recalc' field. Click the box just right of this field so that no checkmark is visible. This disables automatic recalculation of the spreadsheet. The sheet can be recalculated at any time by selecting Sheet -> Recalculate or by pressing command-=. Click anywhere on the worksheet to bring it to the front. %Assign cells as range names of the cells above them Highlight the cell(s) to be assigned and select Sheet -> Label -> Label Range To Top. 1. Highlight the cell range to be assigned: Move to one corner of the range to be selected. Click in that corner and, holding down the mouse-button, drag the mouse to the opposite corner and release the mouse-button. A range of cells should be highlighted (shaded). 2. Select Sheet -> Label -> Label Range To Top. The labels in the selected cells are now assigned as range names of the cells above them. GOSYFDT4 Set the display format for numbers along the Y-axis as Time: HH:MM (24 hr) Mesa does not support this feature at this time. Mesa provides only Fixed and Scientific formatting for the Y-axis values. Change the width of a range of columns Select the columns to be adjusted and move the mouse-pointer to the right border of a selected column's heading. Hold down COMMAND and the mouse-button and drag its border left or right. Release the button when the desired width is displayed. 1. Select the column range by clicking on their column letters in the worksheet frame (the row that says 'A B C D...'). This selects entire columns. 2. Column widths are adjusted by moving the column's right border left or right in the worksheet frame, using the mouse. Move the mouse-pointer to the right border of any column in the selected range so that the mouse-arrow turns to a double-arrow symbol '<-|->'. 3. Hold the COMMAND key and mouse-button down and drag the right boundary left to reduce the widths, right to increase their widths. All selected columns are adjusted. 4. A box appears to the right, indicating current column width. Release the button when the desired width is reached. Set the global number display format to percent in the Sheet Inspector Open the Sheet Inspector (Format -> Sheet Inspector ) and select Format. Click '1' in the 'Base Style' box. Click the pop-up menu button in the 'Display Format' box and select Percent. Use the Decimal Place Slider to select the desired number of decimal places. 1. Select Format -> Sheet Inspector from the menu to open the worksheet settings panel. 2. Click the Format button from the column of menu choices on the left. This displays cell format options. 3. Click '1' in the 'Base Style' box, then click the pop-up menu button (square button with smaller square in it) appearing near the top of the 'Display Format' box. 4. Select Percent from the menu of choices. 5. The Decimal Place Slider is also in the the 'Display Format' box. Highlight the number of decimal places to be displayed. To select 4 decimal places, highlight '0.1234'. Click anywhere on the worksheet to bring it to the front. #Add a title to the Y-axis of the current graph Click to select current graph. Select Graphics -> Graph Inspector and select Titles from the inspector menu. Click in the 'Y:' field and type in a title for the Y-axis. 1. Click anywhere on the current graph to select it. 2. Select Graphics -> Graph Inspector from the Mesa menu to open the panel containing all graph options. 3. Click on Titles from the button-bar along the left to display Title options. 4. Click in the 'Y:' field so that a text-cursor appears. Type in the Y-axis title and press RETURN. This inserts this text as a title below the axis. To use cell references, type a cell address (e.g., A1) in the 'Y:' field, then click on the 'Cell Reference' box below it. Click anywhere on the worksheet to bring it back to the front. SSet a skip factor for the X-axis Mesa does not support this feature at this time. .Format the selected range to display values in the Date format MM/DD highlight the cell range and select Format -> Cell Format Inspector . Click on Format to display the 'Display Format' box. Click the box's pop-up menu button and select 'Date-Intl2'. 1. Highlight the cell range: Move to one corner, hold down the mouse-button, then drag to the diagonal corner of the range and release. 2. Select Format -> Cell Format Inspector from the Mesa menu. 3. Click on Format from the column menu on the left. A 'Display Format' box is displayed in the center of the panel. 4. Click the pop-up menu button at the top of the Display Format box and select 'Date-Intl2' from the list of choices. This applies MM/DD date formatting to the selected range. Click anywhere on the worksheet to bring it to the front. Assign a legend for the A-data range Mesa does not allow legends to be edited individually. Instead, legends must be defined for all data ranges at once. Also, legend data must reside in the first row or first column in the range. To add legends to the current graph: 1. Click anywhere on the current graph to select it. 2. Select Graphics -> Graph Inspector from the Mesa menu to open the panel containing all graph options. 3. Click Legend on the button-bar along the left. 4. Click the button for the desired Legend location: LEFT, RIGHT, TOP, BOTTOM or NONE. The first four will automatically resize the graph to fit in the graph area. NONE clears all legends. 5. If the Legend boxes display without text, click LABELS from the Graph Inspector menu and select 'Top Row' (for horizontal data) or 'Left Column' (for vertical data). The Legends now appear within the graph. NOTE: If the text in the legends is too long, the graph will be blank. To correct this, shorten the legend text. Select lines and/or points for the E-range for XY and Scatter graphs Mesa does not format graph ranges individually, but formats all ranges at once. To change the display format for the entire graph: Click to select current graph. Select Graphics -> Graph Inspector and select Current from the inspector menu. Select 'Points', 'Line' or 'Points and Lines' from the box in the center of the panel. 1. Click anywhere on the current graph to select it. 2. Select Graphics -> Graph Inspector from the Mesa menu to open the panel containing all graph options. 3. Click on Current from the button-bar along the left. 4. Click on the button for the desired graph option: 'Points', 'Line' or 'Points and Lines'. Click anywhere on the worksheet to return it to the front. 9Clear both horizontal and vertical gridlines from the graph display Click to select current graph. Select Graphics -> Graph Inspector and select Grid from the inspector menu. Click to remove the checkmarks from the 'X-major' and 'X-minor' buttons in the 'Grid' box. Click again to do the same with the 'Y-major' and 'Y-minor' buttons. 1. Click anywhere on the current graph to select it. 2. Select Graphics -> Graph Inspector from the Mesa menu to open the panel containing all graph options. 3. Click on Grid from the button-bar along the left to display grid options. 4. Click the 'X-major' and 'X-minor' buttons in the 'Grid' box so that checkmarks no longer appear in either of them. 5. Do the same thing with the 'Y-major' and 'Y-minor' buttons. Click anywhere on the worksheet to bring it back to the front. tCompute Y-intercept value for regression analysis Mesa does not support the Data Regression commands at this time. GOSXFT2 Set the display format for numbers along the X-axis as Time2: HH:MM AM/PM X-axis numbers are formatted by applying formatting to the underlying cells making up the axis titles. 1. Highlight the cell range: Move to one corner, hold down the mouse-button, then drag to the diagonal corner of the range and release. 2. Select Format -> Cell Format Inspector from the Mesa menu. 3. Click on Format from the column menu on the left. A 'Display Format' box is displayed in the center of the panel. 4. Click the pop-up menu button at the top of the Display Format box and select ' Date-HM' from the list of choices. This applies HH:MM AM/PM time formatting to the selected range. Click anywhere on the worksheet to bring it to the front. Type COMMAND-= to refresh the graph. GOSXFS Set the display format for numbers along the X-axis as Scientific X-axis numbers are formatted by applying formatting to the underlying cells making up the axis titles. 1. Highlight the cell range: Move to one corner, hold down the mouse-button, then drag to the diagonal corner of the range and release. 2. Select Format -> Cell Format Inspector from the Mesa menu. 3. Click on Format from the column menu on the left. A 'Display Format' box is displayed in the center of the panel. 4. Click the pop-up menu button at the top of the Display Format box and select 'Scientific' from the list of choices. This applies scientific formatting to the selected range. 5. Select the number of decimal places to be displayed by highlighting that number. To select four places, highlight '0.1234'. Click anywhere on the worksheet to bring it to the front. Type COMMAND-= to refresh the graph. GOSXFD2 Set the display format for numbers along the X-axis as Date2: DD-MMM X-axis numbers are formatted by applying formatting to the underlying cells making up the axis titles. 1. Highlight the cell range: Move to one corner, hold down the mouse-button, then drag to the diagonal corner of the range and release. 2. Select Format -> Cell Format Inspector from the Mesa menu. 3. Click on Format from the column menu on the left. A 'Display Format' box is displayed in the center of the panel. 4. Click the pop-up menu button at the top of the Display Format box and select 'Day-Month' from the list of choices. This applies DD-MMM date formatting to the selected range. Click anywhere on the worksheet to bring it to the front. Type COMMAND-= to refresh the graph. GOSXFC zSet the display format for numbers along the X-axis as Currency X-axis numbers are formatted by applying formatting to the underlying cells making up the axis titles. 1. Highlight the cell range: Move to one corner, hold down the mouse-button, then drag to the diagonal corner of the range and release. 2. Select Format -> Cell Format Inspector from the Mesa menu. 3. Click on Format from the column menu on the left. A 'Display Format' box is displayed in the center of the panel. 4. Click the pop-up menu button at the top of the Display Format box and select 'Currency' from the list of choices. This applies currency formatting to the selected range. 5. Select the number of decimal places to be displayed by highlighting that number. To select four places, highlight '0.1234'. Click anywhere on the worksheet to bring it to the front. Type COMMAND-= to refresh the graph. GOSXFG wSet the display format for numbers along the X-axis as General X-axis numbers are formatted by applying formatting to the underlying cells making up the axis titles. 1. Highlight the cell range: Move to one corner, hold down the mouse-button, then drag to the diagonal corner of the range and release. 2. Select Format -> Cell Format Inspector from the Mesa menu. 3. Click on Format from the column menu on the left. A 'Display Format' box is displayed in the center of the panel. 4. Click the pop-up menu button at the top of the Display Format box and select 'General' from the list of choices. This applies general formatting to the selected range. 5. Select the number of decimal places to be displayed by highlighting that number. To select four places, highlight '0.1234'. Click anywhere on the worksheet to bring it to the front. Type COMMAND-= to refresh the graph. WGFD1 1Set the global number display format to the DD-MMM-YY date format in the Sheet Inspector Open the Sheet Inspector (Format -> Sheet Inspector ) and select Format. Click '1' in the 'Base Style' box. Click the pop-up menu button in the 'Display Format' box and select D-M-Year. 1. Select Format -> Sheet Inspector from the menu to open the worksheet settings panel. 2. Click the Format button from the column of menu choices on the left. This displays cell format options. 3. Click '1' in the 'Base Style' box, then click the pop-up menu button (square button with smaller square in it) appearing near the top of the 'Display Format' box. 4. Select D-M-Year from the menu of choices. This sets the global display format to the DD-MMM-YY date format. Click anywhere on the worksheet to bring it to the front. GOSXFI Add a scale-indicator to the X-axis of the current graph Mesa does not directly support scale-indicators. Instead, use X-axis titles for indicator text (such as 'Millions'). Click to select current graph. Select Graphics -> Graph Inspector and select Titles from the inspector menu. Click in the 'X:' field and type in a title for the X-axis. 1. Click anywhere on the current graph to select it. 2. Select Graphics -> Graph Inspector from the Mesa menu to open the panel containing all graph options. 3. Click on Titles from the button-bar along the left to display Titles options. 4. Click in the 'X:' field so that a text-cursor appears. Type in the X-axis title and press RETURN. This inserts this text as a title below the axis. To use cell references, type a cell address (e.g., A1) in the 'X:' field, then click on the 'Cell Reference' box below it. Click anywhere on the worksheet to bring it back to the front. WGFD2 FSet the global number display format to the DD-MMM date format in the Sheet Inspector Open the Sheet Inspector (Format -> Sheet Inspector ) and select Format. Click '1' in the 'Base Style' box. Click the pop-up menu button in the 'Display Format' box and select Day-Month. 1. Select Format -> Sheet Inspector from the main menu to open a panel displaying the global worksheet settings. 2. Click the Format button from the column of menu choices on the left. This displays cell format options. 3. Click '1' in the 'Base Style' box, then click the pop-up menu button (square button with smaller square in it) appearing near the top of the 'Display Format' box. 4. Select Day-Month from the menu of choices. This sets the global display format to the DD-MMM date format. Click anywhere on the worksheet to bring it to the front. WGFD3 DSet the global number display format to the MMM-YY date format in the Sheet Inspector Open the Sheet Inspector (Format -> Sheet Inspector ) and select Format. Click '1' in the 'Base Style' box. Click the pop-up menu button in the 'Display Format' box and select Month-Yr. 1. Select Format -> Sheet Inspector from the main menu to open a panel displaying the global worksheet settings. 2. Click the Format button from the column of menu choices on the left. This displays cell format options. 3. Click '1' in the 'Base Style' box, then click the pop-up menu button (square button with smaller square in it) appearing near the top of the 'Display Format' box. 4. Select Month-Yr from the menu of choices. This sets the global display format to the MMM-YY date format. Click anywhere on the worksheet to bring it to the front. WGFD4 LSet the global number display format to the MM/DD/YY date format in the Sheet Inspector Open the Sheet Inspector (Format -> Sheet Inspector ) and select Format. Click '1' in the 'Base Style' box. Click the pop-up menu button in the 'Display Format' box and select Date-Intl1. 1. Select Format -> Sheet Inspector from the main menu to open a panel displaying the global worksheet settings. 2. Click the Format button from the column of menu choices on the left. This displays cell format options. 3. Click '1' in the 'Base Style' box, then click the pop-up menu button (square button with smaller square in it) appearing near the top of the 'Display Format' box. 4. Select Date-Intl1 from the menu of choices. This sets the global display format to the MM/DD/YY date format. Click anywhere on the worksheet to bring it to the front. WGFD5 FSet the global number display format to the MM/DD date format in the Sheet Inspector Open the Sheet Inspector (Format -> Sheet Inspector ) and select Format. Click '1' in the 'Base Style' box. Click the pop-up menu button in the 'Display Format' box and select Date-Intl2. 1. Select Format -> Sheet Inspector from the main menu to open a panel displaying the global worksheet settings. 2. Click the Format button from the column of menu choices on the left. This displays cell format options. 3. Click '1' in the 'Base Style' box, then click the pop-up menu button (square button with smaller square in it) appearing near the top of the 'Display Format' box. 4. Select Date-Intl2 from the menu of choices. This sets the global display format to the MM/DD date format. Click anywhere on the worksheet to bring it to the front. PPOOF Recognize all print formatting when printing Formatted printing recognizes ALL formatting, including page breaks, headers and borders. For this type of printing, use the Report Formatter to create a Print Report. To create a Print Report: 1. Select Format -> Report Layout to open the Report Formatter. 2. Click and enter a name in the 'Report Name'. 3. Click the Add button. To specify a print range: 1. The Range field is in the middle of the panel. It allows you to enter from 1 to 32 print ranges. 2. Click on the first line of this field so that a text-cursor appears. 3. Type in a range (e.g., a1:z100) and press RETURN. 4. The cursor drops down one line so that additional ranges can be entered. Enter one range per line. Each of these ranges will be printed on a separate page. 5. Click on the CHANGE button in the Report box to save these settings. To use the report, click on 'Print:' in the 'Report' box or click on the worksheet to bring it to the front. Display a user-specified label instead of zero-values on the screen - not applicable - Mesa displays only zero-values on the screen and this cannot be modified. PPOOC Print the contents of every non-empty cell, one per line, as it appears in the control panel Mesa has no direct equivalent for this command. To accomplish similar results, format the range as 'Text' and print it: 1. Highlight the cell range: Move to one corner, hold down the mouse-button, then drag to the diagonal corner of the range and release. 2. Select Format -> Cell Format Inspector from the Mesa menu. 3. Click on Format from the column menu on the left. A 'Display Format' box is displayed in the center of the panel. 4. Click the pop-up menu button at the top of the Display Format box and select 'Text' from the list of choices. This applies text formatting to the selected range. Click anywhere on the worksheet to bring it to the front. 5. Make sure the range is still highlighted and select PRINT from the menu. 6. Click on the PRINT button in the panel that appears. NSet the global number display format to text in the Sheet Inspector Open the Sheet Inspector by selecting (Format -> Sheet Inspector ) and select Format. Click the pop-up menu button in the 'Display Format' box and select Text. 1. Select Format -> Sheet Inspector from the menu. This opens a panel displaying the global worksheet settings. 2. The left side of the panel displays a column of menu choices. Click on the Format button to display cell format options. 3. A 'Display Format' box appears. At the top of this box is a pop-up menu button (looks like a button with a small square on the right side). Click on this button. 4. Select Text from the menu of choices. This sets the global display format so that cell formulas are displayed instead of cell formula results. Click anywhere on the worksheet to bring it to the front. sSet vertical worksheet titles Using the mouse, drag the heavy black line beside the row numbers column to the right of the range to be made into titles. 1. Make sure the range to be included in the titles is on-screen. 2. To the right of the row numbers column is a heavy black line used to separate vertical titles from the rest of the worksheet. 3. Move the mouse onto this line until it turns to a rightward arrow. 4. Hold the mouse-button down and drag this line rightward until it sits right of the title range. 5. Release the mouse button. This creates vertical titles that remain on screen until they are reset. PPOOA sPrint worksheet data as it appears on screen - not applicable - Mesa's only mode of printing is 'As-Displayed'. WGDAN NDisable autoexecution of macros Select Info -> Preferences to open the Preferences panel. Remove the checkmark from the 'Autoexecute' field in the 'Macros' box. Click OK to return to the worksheet. 1. Open the Preferences panel by selecting Info -> Preferences from Mesa's main menu. This panel displays program-resident settings. 2. Click in the box just right of the 'Autoexecute' field in the 'Macros' box so that the checkmark disappears. This turns macro autoexecution off for files being retrieved. Click OK to accept changes and return to the worksheet or Cancel to abort. -Assign cells as range names of the cells to their left Highlight the cell(s) to be assigned and select Sheet -> Label -> Label Range To Left. 1. Highlight the cell range to be assigned: Move to one corner of the range to be selected. Click in that corner and, holding down the mouse-button, drag the mouse to the opposite corner and release the mouse-button. A range of cells should be highlighted (shaded). 2. Select Sheet -> Label -> Label Range To Left. The labels in the selected cells are now assigned as range names of the cells to their left. Horizontally split the screen at the current row A similar effect can be created by opening a second window with the Windows -> New Window command. 1. Position the current window in the top half of the screen by clicking in its Title bar (the black line at the top with the worksheet's name in it) and dragging upward. 2. If the current window is taller than half the screen, reduce its height by moving the mouse to the bottom of the window's frame and clicking and dragging the box outline to the screen's midpoint. Release the mouse button. 3. Create a new window by choosing Windows -> New Window. This brings up a new view of the same worksheet. 4. Resize it so that it is no taller than half the screen. 5. Position it so that it occupies the lower half of the screen. The two windows offer independent views of the same worksheet. Jump between windows by clicking in the desired window. Create a print footer Mesa uses custom Print Reports to customize and store print settings within each worksheet. Report Tags are used to add custom formatting, such as footers, to Print Reports. To create a Print Report: 1. Select Format -> Report Layout to open the Report Formatter. 2. Click and enter a name in the 'Report Name'. 3. Click the Add button. To add a Report Tag: 1. The Tags box contains seven different tags: cell contents, date, file name, page #, path name, text and time. 2. Move the mouse to the desired tag, hold down the mouse-button and drag the tag onto the Page Layout window. Position where desired on the page then release the mouse-button. (Position the tag BELOW the bottom horizontal line to create a footer.) 3. A small, resizable box will be pasted onto the page. This is the report tag. To use the report, click on 'Print:' in the 'Report' box or click on the worksheet to bring it to the front. +Assign cells as range names of the cells below them Highlight the cell(s) to be assigned and select Sheet -> Label -> Label Range To Bottom. 1. Highlight the cell range to be assigned: Move to one corner of the range to be selected. Click in that corner and, holding down the mouse-button, drag the mouse to the opposite corner and release the mouse-button. A range of cells should be highlighted (shaded). 2. Select Sheet -> Label -> Label Range To Bottom. The labels in the selected cells are now assigned as range names of the cells below them. Reset the width of a range of columns Select the range of columns and select Format -> Row And Column Size -> Reset Column Size to reset their widths to the default. 1. Select the range of columns by clicking on their column letters in the worksheet frame (the row that says 'A B C D...'). This selects entire columns. 2. Select Format -> Row And Column Size -> Reset Column Size from Mesa's main menu. The range of columns will be restored to the default column width, set in the Sheet Inspector. Specify a range to record keystroke macros into Mesa does not support this feature at this time. Mesa fully supports most Lotus 1-2-3 macro commands, but the macro-record feature is not currently available. Set horizontal and vertical titles on the worksheet Use the mouse to drag the heavy black line under the column headings below the range to be made into horizontal titles. Next, drag the heavy black line beside the row numbers right of the title range. Horizontal titles: 1. Make sure title range is on-screen. 2. Below the column headings (the row that says 'A B C D...') is a heavy black line. Move the mouse onto this line so it turns to a downward arrow. 3. Hold down mouse-button and drag line below the title range. 4. Release the mouse button. This creates horizontal titles that remain on screen until they are reset. Vertical titles: 5. Right of the row numbers column is a heavy black line used to separate vertical titles from the rest of the worksheet. Move the mouse onto this line so it turns to a rightward arrow. 6. Hold down mouse-button and drag line right of the title range. 7. Release the mouse button. Titles remain on screen until they are reset. Reset margins, page length and setup strings to their default settings Select Format -> Report Layout to open the Report Formatter. Select the a report by clicking on its name in the 'Reports' box. Then click on the RESET button in the same box. Mesa print settings are stored as Reports and must be deleted from the Report Formatter screen. 1. Select Format -> Report Layout to open the Report Formatter. This panel is used to add, modify or delete custom print settings. 2. Click on one of the report names in the 'Reports' field. This makes that report active. 3. Click the RESET button, also in the 'Reports' box. This returns the selected report back to the default settings. Click anyplace on the worksheet to bring it back to the front. Set the global number display format to comma in the Sheet Inspector Open the Sheet Inspector (Format -> Sheet Inspector )and select Format. Click '1' in the 'Base Style' box. Click the pop-up menu button in the 'Display Format' box and select Comma. Use the Decimal Place Slider to select the desired number of decimal places. 1. Select Format -> Sheet Inspector from the menu to open the worksheet settings panel. 2. Click the Format button from the column of menu choices on the left. This displays cell format options. 3. Click '1' in the 'Base Style' box, then click the pop-up menu button (square button with smaller square in it) appearing near the top of the 'Display Format' box. 4. Select Comma from the menu of choices. 5. The Decimal Place Slider is also in the the 'Display Format' box. Highlight the number of decimal places to be displayed. To select 4 decimal places, highlight '0.1234'. Click anywhere on the worksheet to bring it to the front. ?Format the selected range to display values in the Time format HH:MM (24 hr) highlight the cell range and select Format -> Cell Format Inspector . Click on Format to display the 'Display Format' box. Click the box's pop-up menu button and select 'Time-Intl2'. 1. Highlight the cell range: Move to one corner, hold down the mouse-button, then drag to the diagonal corner of the range and release. 2. Select Format -> Cell Format Inspector from the Mesa menu. 3. Click on Format from the column menu on the left. A 'Display Format' box is displayed in the center of the panel. 4. Click the pop-up menu button at the top of the Display Format box and select ' Time-Intl2' from the list of choices. This applies HH:MM (24 hr) time formatting to the selected range. Click anywhere on the worksheet to bring it to the front. #Add a title to the X-axis of the current graph Click to select current graph. Select Graphics -> Graph Inspector and select Titles from the inspector menu. Click in the 'X:' field and type in a title for the X-axis. 1. Click anywhere on the current graph to select it. 2. Select Graphics -> Graph Inspector from the Mesa menu to open the panel containing all graph options. 3. Click on Titles from the button-bar along the left to display Title options. 4. Click in the 'X:' field so that a text-cursor appears. Type in the X-axis title and press RETURN. This inserts this text as a title below the axis. To use cell references, type a cell address (e.g., A1) in the 'X:' field, then click on the 'Cell Reference' box below it. Click anywhere on the worksheet to bring it back to the front. ?Delete rows from worksheet, shifting rows up Select the position and number of rows to delete by highlighting them from the worksheet frame, then select Edit -> Delete. 1. Specify where to begin deleting rows by clicking at that location in the worksheet frame (the column that contains the row numbers). This selects the entire row. 2. To delete more than one column, click and hold down the button and drag down, highlighting as many rows as you want to delete. 3. Select Edit -> Delete. Mesa deletes the selected rows from the worksheet, shifting adjacent rows up. gSelect range to print Mesa uses custom Print Reports to store print settings within each worksheet. To create a Print Report: 1. Select Format -> Report Layout to open the Report Formatter. 2. Click and enter a name in the 'Report Name'. 3. Click the Add button. To specify a print range: 1. The Range field is in the middle of the panel. It allows you to enter from 1 to 32 print ranges. 2. Click on the first line of this field so that a text-cursor appears. 3. Type in a range (e.g, a1:z100) and press RETURN. 4. The cursor drops down one line so that additional ranges can be entered. Enter one range per line. Each of these ranges will be printed on a separate page. 5. Click on the CHANGE button in the Report box to save these settings. To use the report, click on 'Print:' in the 'Report' box or click on the worksheet to bring it to the front. 4Format the selected range to display values in the Date format MM/DD/YY highlight the cell range and select Format -> Cell Format Inspector . Click on Format to display the 'Display Format' box. Click the box's pop-up menu button and select 'Date-Intl1'. 1. Highlight the cell range: Move to one corner, hold down the mouse-button, then drag to the diagonal corner of the range and release. 2. Select Format -> Cell Format Inspector from the Mesa menu. 3. Click on Format from the column menu on the left. A 'Display Format' box is displayed in the center of the panel. 4. Click the pop-up menu button at the top of the Display Format box and select 'Date-Intl1' from the list of choices. This applies MM/DD/YY date formatting to the selected range. Click anywhere on the worksheet to bring it to the front. PPOOU 'Print only the text, omitting formatting Mesa has no direct equivalent for this command. Print directly from the worksheet to have Mesa ignore all print formatting. Gridlines, page breaks and cell formatting will be included, however. 1. Highlight the range to be printed. Move to one corner of the range and click. Holding down the mouse-button, drag to the opposite corner and release the mouse-button. A range of cells will be highlighted (shaded). 2. Select PRINT from the menu, then click on the PRINT button in the panel that appears. Do not display selected columns At this time, Mesa has no direct equivalent to this command. By setting column width as narrow as possible, Mesa can do nearly the same thing: 1. Select one or more columns by clicking on their column letters in the worksheet frame (the row that says 'A B C D...'). This selects entire columns. 2. Column widths are adjusted by moving the column's right border left or right in the worksheet frame, using the mouse. Move the mouse-pointer to the right border of any column in the selected range so that the mouse-arrow turns to a double-arrow symbol '<-|->'. 3. Hold the COMMAND key and mouse-button down and drag the right boundary left to reduce the column's width. This adjusts the widths of all selected columns. 4. A small box appears to the right, indicating current column width. Release the mouse-button when it reads 0.01''. The selected columns no longer display and are nearly invisible. WGDAY BEnable autoexecution of macros Select Info -> Preferences to open the Preferences panel. Place a checkmark in the 'Autoexecute' field in the 'Macros' box. Click OK to return to the worksheet. 1. Open the Preferences panel by selecting Info -> Preferences from Mesa's main menu. This panel displays program-resident settings. 2. Click in the box just right of the 'Autoexecute' field in the 'Macros' box so that a checkmark appears. This turns macro autoexecution on for files being retrieved. Click OK to accept changes and return to the worksheet or Cancel to abort. rSet Y-intercept to zero for regression analysis Mesa does not support the Data Regression commands at this time. Format the selected range to display using sheet defaults highlight the cell range and select Format -> Cell Format Inspector . Click on Format to display the 'Display Format' box. Place a checkmark in the 'Use Default' box. 1. Highlight the cell range: Move to one corner, hold down the mouse-button, then drag to the diagonal corner of the range and release. 2. Select Format -> Cell Format Inspector from the Mesa menu. 3. Click on Format from the column menu on the left. A 'Display Format' box is displayed in the center of the panel. 4. Click on the 'Use Default' box so that a checkmark appears. This formats the selected range using sheet defaults. Click anywhere on the worksheet to bring it to the front. Display previously hidden columns Mesa cannot hide columns, but it can make them very narrow so their contents are not displayed. If this has been done and you want to re-display the columns, select the columns and select Format -> Row And Column Size -> Reset Column Size. 1. Because the nearly-hidden columns are so narrow, they should be selected by selecting the adjacent columns. If columns B,C & D are hidden, select columns A - E. Do this by clicking on their column letters in the worksheet frame (the row that says 'A B C D...'). This selects entire columns. 2. Select Format -> Row And Column Size -> Reset Column Size to reset the widths back to the default. Click anywhere on the worksheet to return to it. Select lines and/or points for the D-range for XY and Scatter graphs Mesa does not format graph ranges individually, but formats all ranges at once. To change the display format for the entire graph: Click to select current graph. Select Graphics -> Graph Inspector and select Current from the inspector menu. Select 'Points', 'Line' or 'Points and Lines' from the box in the center of the panel. 1. Click anywhere on the current graph to select it. 2. Select Graphics -> Graph Inspector from the Mesa menu to open the panel containing all graph options. 3. Click on Current from the button-bar along the left. 4. Click on the button for the desired graph option: 'Points', 'Line' or 'Points and Lines'. Click anywhere on the worksheet to return it to the front. TAdd both horizontal and vertical gridlines to the graph display Click to select current graph. Select Graphics -> Graph Inspector and select Grid from the inspector menu. Click the 'X-major' or 'X-minor' buttons in the 'Grid' box. Then click the 'Y-major' or 'Y-minor' button. 1. Click anywhere on the current graph to select it. 2. Select Graphics -> Graph Inspector from the Mesa menu to open the panel containing all graph options. 3. Click on Grid from the button-bar along the left to display grid options. 4. Click either the 'X-major' or 'X-minor' buttons in the 'Grid' box: 'X-major' adds widely spaced gridlines to the graph. 'X-minor' adds narrowly spaced lines. 5. Click on either 'Y-major' or 'Y-minor', also in the 'Grid' box, to add wide- or narrow-spaced lines. Click anywhere on the worksheet to bring it back to the front. Extract range as values and make into new file Highlight the data to be extracted and select Edit -> Copy. Open a new file and select Edit -> Paste Special -> Values. Save the file to disk. 1. Highlight the range: Move to one corner of the range, click and drag the mouse to the opposite corner and release the mouse-button. To copy an entire file, select Edit -> Select All. 2. Select Edit -> Copy from the menu. 3. Select File -> New from the menu to open and display a new, blank worksheet. 4. Move to the top-left cell of the paste range (or cell A1 if the entire file is being copied). 5. Select Edit -> Paste Special -> Values to copy only values onto the target worksheet. 6. Next, save the new file to disk by selecting File -> Save from the menu. This opens the Save panel. 7. Select a directory to save in by clicking or click HOME to save in your home directory. 8. Enter a filename by clicking in the Name field and typing in a new filename. 9. Click OK. Format the selected range to display a fixed number of decimal places Highlight the cell range and select Format -> Cell Format Inspector . Click on Format to display the 'Display Format' box. Click the box's pop-up menu button and select 'Fixed Decimal'. Use the Decimal Place Slider to select the decimal places. 1. Highlight the cell range: Move to one corner, hold down the mouse-button, then drag to the diagonal corner of the range and release. 2. Select Format -> Cell Format Inspector from the Mesa menu. 3. Click on Format from the column menu on the left. A 'Display Format' box is displayed in the center of the panel. 4. Click the pop-up menu button at the top of the Display Format box and select 'Fixed Decimal' from the list of choices. This applies fixed-decimal formatting to the selected range. 5. Select the number of decimal places to be displayed by highlighting that number. To select four places, highlight '0.1234'. Click anywhere on the worksheet to bring it to the front. Clear all range settings for the current graph Mesa has no direct equivalent for this command. In Mesa, the range is defined as long as the graph exists. The graph's range can be modified but cannot be completely cleared without deleting the graph. To modify the graph range: 1. Click on the current graph to select it. (There must be a graph on-screen to do this.) 2. Select Graphics -> Graph Inspector from the menu to open the settings panel. 3. Click RANGE from the button-bar along the left to display the range(s). 4. Click in the 'Data Ranges' field, enter new range and press RETURN. To clear a graph: 1. Click anywhere on the graph to make it current. 2. Press BACKSPACE or select Edit -> Cut. This removes the graph and all of its settings from the worksheet. Extract range of formulas into a new file Highlight the data to be extracted and select Edit -> Copy. Open a new file and select Edit -> Paste. Save the file to disk. 1. Highlight the range to be extracted: Move to one corner of the range, click and drag the mouse to the opposite corner and release the mouse-button. To copy an entire file, select Edit -> Select All. 2. Select Edit -> Copy from the menu. 3. Select File -> New from the menu to open and display a new, blank worksheet on screen. 4. Move to the top-left cell of the paste range (or cell A1 if the entire file is being copied). 5. Select Edit -> Paste to copy the data onto the target worksheet. 6. Next, save the new file to disk by selecting File -> Save from the menu. This opens the Save panel. 7. Select a directory to save in by clicking. If you're not sure, click HOME to save in your home directory. 8. Enter a filename by clicking in the Name field and typing in a new filename. 9. Click OK to proceed. cCancel all settings for the a named graph Cancel all settings for the current graph by deleting it from the worksheet: First, go to the graph's location on-screen: 1. Select Sheet -> Goto Cell. This opens the Goto panel, used to jump to a specified range or location. 2. Type in the name of the graph in the text box and press RETURN. Mesa will scroll the view to the location of the graph on the worksheet. Next, delete that graph: 1. Click anywhere on the graph to make it current. 2. Press BACKSPACE or select EDIT -> CUT. This removes the named graph and all of its settings from the worksheet. qReset all variables defined using Data-Table-1 or Data-Table-2 Mesa does not support this feature at this time. }Reset the F-data range Mesa has no direct equivalent for this command. Mesa specifies the entire graph range at once, instead of range by range. For this reason, ranges cannot be modified individually; the entire range must be modified: The Graph Inspector allows the range to be enlarged (e.g., A1:D10 to A1:F10) or reduced (e.g., A1:D10 to A1:C8): 1. Click on the current graph to select it. (There must be a graph on-screen to do this.) 2. Select Graphics -> Graph Inspector from the menu to open the settings panel. 3. Click RANGE from the button-bar along the left to display the range(s). 4. Click in the 'Data Ranges' field, enter new range and press RETURN. The new range will be reflected in the active graph. NOTE: Extra ranges are available in the Graph Inspector for displaying data side-by-side with the primary data. Enter and modify them just like the primary range. nSelect Bar Graph for the current graph type Highlight the worksheet data to be plotted and select Graphics -> Column. (Mesa refers to bar charts as column charts.) 1. Highlight the data range: Move to one corner of the range, click and drag the mouse to the opposite corner and release the mouse-button. A range of cells will be highlighted (shaded). 2. Select Graphics -> Column from the menu to paste the graph onto the worksheet. Graphs reside on top of the worksheet and can be moved and resized. Click on the graph to select it. 3. Select Graphics -> Graph Inspector from the menu. This opens the panel containing all graph settings. 4. From the button-bar along the left, click Current to display width settings. 5. Adjust the slider control left to decrease or right to increase column widths. These steps place a column chart on the active worksheet window. Select the primary sort key Highlight the range to be sorted and select Sheet -> Database -> Sort to open the Sort panel. Double-click in the 'Key 1' box and type in the first cell of the primary column or row and press RETURN. 1. Highlight the range of cells to be sorted: Move to one corner, hold down the mouse-button, then drag the mouse to the diagonal corner of the range and release. The range will be highlighted (shaded). 2. Next, select Sheet -> Database -> Sort from the Mesa menu. This opens the panel that displays all sort settings. 3. Double-click in the 'Key 1' box type the first cell in the primary column or primary row and press RETURN. If the sort range is A1:C100 and column B is the primary column, type 'B1'. 4. Click either ascending (alphabetical for text, increasing for numbers) or descending (reverse-alphabetic for text and decreasing for numbers) order. Click on SORT to perform the sort, CANCEL to abort. Reset all variables and ranges used in the regression analysis Mesa does not support the Data Regression commands at this time. }Reset the B-data range Mesa has no direct equivalent for this command. Mesa specifies the entire graph range at once, instead of range by range. For this reason, ranges cannot be modified individually; the entire range must be modified: The Graph Inspector allows the range to be enlarged (e.g., A1:D10 to A1:F10) or reduced (e.g., A1:D10 to A1:C8): 1. Click on the current graph to select it. (There must be a graph on-screen to do this.) 2. Select Graphics -> Graph Inspector from the menu to open the settings panel. 3. Click RANGE from the button-bar along the left to display the range(s). 4. Click in the 'Data Ranges' field, enter new range and press RETURN. The new range will be reflected in the active graph. NOTE: Extra ranges are available in the Graph Inspector for displaying data side-by-side with the primary data. Enter and modify them just like the primary range. Display status screen The Lotus 1-2-3 Status screen settings are listed below and beside them are instructions to display the same information in Mesa. An 'N/A' appears next to settings not supported in Mesa. Click anywhere on the worksheet to return to it. Conv & Exp Mem Avail: N/A Math Co-Proc: N/A Recalc Method: Format->Sheet Inspector , click Recalc. Recalc Order: N/A (always Natural) Recalc Iterations: N/A Circ Ref: Format->Sheet Inspector , click Recalc. Click the pop-up menu button in the 'Recalc/Debug' box, select Stop on Circ, then press COMMAND-=. Cell Disp Format: Format->Sheet Inspector , click Format. Click 1 in 'Base Style' box. Cell Disp Align: Format->Sheet Inspector , click Alignment. Click 1 in 'Base Style' box. Cell Disp Width: Format->Sheet Inspector , click Size. Click 1 in 'Base Style' box . Default width is displayed above horizontal slider. Zero-Suppression: N/A Global Prot: Format->Sheet Inspector , click Protection. qReset all variables and ranges used in parsing data Mesa does not support the Data Parse commands at this time. VImport text file into Mesa Select File -> Import Tabular Text , select text file to be imported, then click OK. Directly from a file: 1. Position the cursor where the text is to be pasted in. 2. Select File -> Import Tabular Text from the menu. This opens a window displaying all files and directories on disk. 2. Locate the desired file to import and click to select it. If a file cannot be located, be sure to check the home directory. 3. Click OK. From the clipboard: 1. Switch to the non-Mesa application containing the text and highlight the data to be copied. 2. Select Edit -> Paste to store the text in the 'pasteboard'. 3. Switch to Mesa and open a worksheet. 4. Move the cell-pointer to the top-left cell where the range is to be pasted in. 5. Select Edit -> Paste. This copies the text from the pasteboard onto the worksheet. Specify a data range for Mesa to sort Use the mouse to highlight the sort range then select Sheet -> Database -> Sort . Click Sort. 1. Use the mouse to highlight the desired range. Move to one corner, hold down the mouse-button, then drag the mouse to the diagonal corner of the range and release. The range will be highlighted (shaded). 2. Next, select Sheet -> Database -> Sort to open the Sort panel. The selected range will be displayed in the 'Range' box. 3. Click on SORT to perform the sort, CANCEL to abort. Delete records from the input range that match the specified criteria Mesa does not support the Data Query commands at this time. tCreate a format line to show how data should be parsed Mesa does not support the Data Parse commands at this time. OErase a print file from disk Mesa does not support this feature at this time. TCreate a 2-variable what-if table Mesa does not support this feature at this time. Erase the active worksheet from memory Select File -> Close to erase the active worksheet. Closing a worksheet closes the worksheet's on-screen window and permanently erases all of its data from memory. Closing an unsaved worksheet will display the message ' has not be saved. Save it?'. Click YES to erase it from memory but save it to disk. Mesa continues running, although only its menu may be on screen. Select File -> New to open a new, blank worksheet or File -> Open to open a worksheet saved to disk. -Erase the selected cells Select a cell or range of cells and select Edit -> Clear. 1. Move to one corner of the range to be selected. 2. Click in that corner and, holding down the mouse-button, drag the mouse to the diagonal corner of the range and release the mouse-button. Notice that the cells in the range are highlighted (shaded). This means that the range has been selected. 3. Select Edit -> Clear from Mesa's main menu. This clears all data and formatting from the range. You can also erase formatting, data, numbers or strings: To clear only formatting, select: Edit -> Clear_Special -> Formatting To clear only data, select: Edit -> Clear_Special -> Data To clear only numbers, select: Edit -> Clear_Special -> Numeric_Input To clear only strings, select: Edit -> Clear_Special -> String_Input Save the current graph to disk as a graphic file Mesa uses the Print panel to create Postscript print files (EPS files). 1. Select the graph to be printed by clicking anywhere on it. 1. Select PRINT from the menu. 2. This opens the Print panel. Click on the SAVE button in the lower-left corner. 3. Select a directory and filename and click OK. The graph is saved to disk as an Encapsulated Postscript file, with a .PS extension. Save the current worksheet to disk Select File -> Save, specify a directory and filename, then click OK. 1. Select File -> Save from the menu. This opens a window displaying files and directories already on disk and a place to specify a filename. 2. Every person has a 'Home' directory, where his or her personal files are stored. If no data directory has been set up, use the home directory to save files in. Select a directory to save in from the panel by clicking on a specific directory, or click on HOME to save in the home directory. 3. Tell Mesa what name to call the file. Click in the Name field in the bottom of the Save panel and type in a new filename. 3. Click OK to proceed with the save. Mesa adds a '.Mesa' extension to whatever filename you enter. GOSYFD3 Set the display format for numbers along the Y-axis as Dates: MMM-YY Mesa does not support this feature at this time. Mesa provides only Fixed and Scientific formatting for the Y-axis values. Specify cell addresses for the E-data range Mesa specifies the entire data range at once, instead of range by range. To create a graph, highlight the data to be plotted and select Graphics. Next, select a chart type from the submenu of graph types. 1. Highlight the data range: Move to one corner of the range, click and drag the mouse to the opposite corner and release the button. 2. Select Graphics from the menu to display a submenu showing all available graph types. 3. Select a chart type from this list to paste the graph onto the worksheet. Graphs sit on top of the worksheet data and can be moved and resized. NOTE: Ranges cannot be modified individually; the entire range must be modified: 1. Click on the current graph to select it. 2. Select Graphics -> Graph Inspector from the menu to open the settings panel. 3. Click RANGE from the button-bar along the left to display the range(s). 4. Click in the 'Data Ranges' field, enter new range and press RETURN. Specify cell addresses for the C-data range Mesa specifies the entire data range at once, instead of range by range. To create a graph, highlight the data to be plotted and select Graphics. Next, select a chart type from the submenu of graph types. 1. Highlight the data range: Move to one corner of the range, click and drag the mouse to the opposite corner and release the button. 2. Select Graphics from the menu to display a submenu showing all available graph types. 3. Select a chart type from this list to paste the graph onto the worksheet. Graphs sit on top of the worksheet data and can be moved and resized. NOTE: Ranges cannot be modified individually; the entire range must be modified: 1. Click on the current graph to select it. 2. Select Graphics -> Graph Inspector from the menu to open the settings panel. 3. Click RANGE from the button-bar along the left to display the range(s). 4. Click in the 'Data Ranges' field, enter new range and press RETURN. Specify cell addresses for the A-data range Mesa specifies the entire data range at once, instead of range by range. To create a graph, highlight the data to be plotted and select Graphics. Next, select a chart type from the submenu of graph types. 1. Highlight the data range: Move to one corner of the range, click and drag the mouse to the opposite corner and release the button. 2. Select Graphics from the menu to display a submenu showing all available graph types. 3. Select a chart type from this list to paste the graph onto the worksheet. Graphs sit on top of the worksheet data and can be moved and resized. NOTE: Ranges cannot be modified individually; the entire range must be modified: 1. Click on the current graph to select it. 2. Select Graphics -> Graph Inspector from the menu to open the settings panel. 3. Click RANGE from the button-bar along the left to display the range(s). 4. Click in the 'Data Ranges' field, enter new range and press RETURN. QInvoke an add-in previously loaded into memory Mesa supports function AddIns, which are custom functions attached to the program when it is started. To use an AddIn function, enter the function and its argument into a worksheet cell. For example: 1. Load 'dec.o', a sample AddIn function that decrements whatever value is passed to it by one. Select Info -> Preferences to open the Preferences panel and click ADD. 2. A File panel opens. Select 'dec.o' from the AddIn directory in the Sample Files directory and click OK. 3. Click OK in the Preference panel to return to the worksheet. 4. Go to cell A1. 5. Enter '=dec(10)' and press RETURN. Cell A1 should return the value '9', since it is taking the value '10' and decrementing it by one. Other AddIn functions are invoked the same way, though the functions they perform will differ. Clear all attached add-in programs Mesa supports function AddIns, which are custom functions attached to Mesa when the program is started. Each AddIn functions must be detached individually. To detach an AddIn open the Preferences panel by choosing Info -> Preferences , select the AddIn to be removed from the 'Function Add-Ins Loaded' window and click Remove. Click OK to return to the worksheet. 1. Open the Preferences panel by selecting Info -> Preferences from Mesa's main menu. This panel displays program resident settings. 2. Select the AddIn to be detached by clicking on it in the 'Function Add-ins Loaded' window. 3. Click Remove so that the AddIn disappears from the window. Click OK in the Preferences panel to return to the worksheet. Attach an add-in program Mesa supports function AddIns, which are custom functions attached to Mesa when the program is started. Select Info -> Preferences and click Add. A File panel is opened. Select or type in the name of the AddIn and click OK. Click OK in the Preference panel to return to the worksheet. 1. Open the Preferences panel by selecting Info -> Preferences from Mesa's main menu. This panel displays program resident settings. 2. In the box that reads 'Function Add-ins Loaded', click Add to open the File panel. 3. The File panel displays all files on disk. Select, by clicking, the directory containing the AddIn functions. 4. Click to highlight the function to be loaded. AddIn files end with the '.O' (for Object) extension. 5. Click OK. That function is now attached and is listed in the 'Function Add-Ins Loaded' window. Click OK in the Preferences panel to return to the worksheet. WGDPI iSelect the default printer port - not applicable - Mesa uses the system printer interface for printing. This interface requires only the selection of a printer; the system selects the right port automatically. To select a printer: Select Print from the menu. The Print panel will appear, listing all available printers under 'Printer' and a showing a description under 'Type'. Click on the desired printer so that its name is highlighted. This printer will remain selected until a new printer is chosen. Next select PRINT, SAVE, FAX or PREVIEW to proceed with the print, or select CANCEL to close the panel. WGDPL Set the default left margin value - not applicable - Mesa does not support default printer settings. Instead, it uses custom Print Reports to store print settings within each worksheet. To create a Print Report: 1. Select Format -> Report Layout to open the Report Formatter. 2. Click and enter a name in the 'Report Name'. 3. Click the Add button. To adjust its left margin: 1. The Page Layout window is the big window in the top half of the Report Formatter and displays all formatting added to the report. Adjust the 'View Scale' slider control to read ~40%. 2. The left-most vertical line in the window represents the left margin. Click and drag it in or out to adjust it. Release when the desired size is set. Notice that it displays its current size in a box on the right. 3. Click the Change button to apply this change. To use the report, click on 'Print:' in the 'Report' box or click on the worksheet to bring it to the front. WGDPN hSelect the default printer driver - not applicable - Mesa uses the system printer interface for printing. This interface requires only the selection of a printer -- the system selects the right driver automatically. To select a printer: Select Print from the menu. The Print panel will appear, listing all available printers under 'Printer' and a showing a description under 'Type'. Click on the desired printer, so that its name is highlighted. This printer will remain selected until a new printer is chosen. Next select PRINT, SAVE, FAX or PREVIEW to proceed with the print or CANCEL to close the panel. Set the worksheet recalculation order to column-wise - not applicable - Mesa performs all cell recalculations in natural order. WGFDT2 DSet the global number display format to Time as HH:MM AM/PM in the Sheet Inspector Open the Sheet Inspector (Format -> Sheet Inspector ) and select Format. Click '1' in the 'Base Style' box. Click the pop-up menu button in the 'Display Format' box and select Date-HM. 1. Select Format -> Sheet Inspector from the main menu to open a panel displaying the global worksheet settings. 2. Click the Format button from the column of menu choices on the left. This displays cell format options. 3. Click '1' in the 'Base Style' box, then click the pop-up menu button (square button with smaller square in it) appearing near the top of the 'Display Format' box. 4. Select Date-HM from the menu of choices. This sets the global display format to the HH:MM AM/PM time format. Click anywhere on the worksheet to bring it to the front. Set the global number display format to scientific in the Sheet Inspector Open the Sheet Inspector (Format -> Sheet Inspector )and select Format. Click '1' in the 'Base Style' box. Click the pop-up menu button in the 'Display Format' box and select Scientific. Use the Decimal Place Slider to select the desired number of decimal places. 1. Select Format -> Sheet Inspector from the menu to open the worksheet settings panel. 2. Click the Format button from the column of menu choices on the left. This displays cell format options. 3. Click '1' in the 'Base Style' box, then click the pop-up menu button (square button with smaller square in it) appearing near the top of the 'Display Format' box. 4. Select Scientific from the menu of choices. 5. The Decimal Place Slider is also in the the 'Display Format' box. Highlight the number of decimal places to be displayed. To select 4 decimal places, highlight '0.1234'. Click anywhere on the worksheet to bring it to the front. WGFDT4 NSet the global number display format to Time as HH:MM 24-hour in the Sheet Inspector Open the Sheet Inspector (Format -> Sheet Inspector ) and select Format. Click '1' in the 'Base Style' box. Click the pop-up menu button in the 'Display Format' box and select Time-Intl2. 1. Select Format -> Sheet Inspector from the main menu to open a panel displaying the global worksheet settings. 2. Click the Format button from the column of menu choices on the left. This displays cell format options. 3. Click '1' in the 'Base Style' box, then click the pop-up menu button (square button with smaller square in it) appearing near the top of the 'Display Format' box. 4. Select Time-Intl2 from the menu of choices. This sets the global display format to the HH:MM 24-hour time format. Click anywhere on the worksheet to bring it to the front. GOSYFDT2 Set the display format for numbers along the Y-axis as Time: HH:MM AM/PM Mesa does not support this feature at this time. Mesa provides only Fixed and Scientific formatting for the Y-axis values. GOSXFDT3 Set the display format for numbers along the X-axis as Time3: HH:MM:SS (24 hr) X-axis numbers are formatted by applying formatting to the underlying cells making up the axis titles. 1. Highlight the cell range: Move to one corner, hold down the mouse-button, then drag to the diagonal corner of the range and release. 2. Select Format -> Cell Format Inspector from the Mesa menu. 3. Click on Format from the column menu on the left. A 'Display Format' box is displayed in the center of the panel. 4. Click the pop-up menu button at the top of the Display Format box and select ' Date-HM' from the list of choices. This applies HH:MM:SS (24 hr) time formatting to the selected range. Click anywhere on the worksheet to bring it to the front. Type COMMAND-= to refresh the graph. Sheet Inspector )and select Format. Click '1' in the 'Base Style' box. Click the pop-up menu button in the 'Display Format' box and select Currency. Use the Decimal Place Slider to select the desired number of decimal places. 1. Select Format -> Sheet Inspector from the menu to open the worksheet settings panel. 2. Click the Format button from the column of menu choices on the left. This displays cell format options. 3. Click '1' in the 'Base Style' box, then click the pop-up menu button (square button with smaller square in it) appearing near the top of the 'Display Format' box. 4. Select Currency from the menu of choices. 5. The Decimal Place Slider is also in the the 'Display Format' box. Highlight the number of decimal places to be displayed. To select 4 decimal places, highlight '0.1234'. Click anywhere on the worksheet to bring it to the front. WGDPB Set the default bottom margin value - not applicable - Mesa does not support default printer settings. Instead, it uses custom Print Reports to store print settings within each worksheet. To create a Print Report: 1. Select Format -> Report Layout to open the Report Formatter. 2. Click and enter a name in the 'Report Name'. 3. Click the Add button. To adjust its bottom margin: 1. The Page Layout window is the big window in the top half of the Report Formatter and displays all formatting added to the report. Adjust the 'View Scale' slider control to read ~40%. 2. The bottom-most horizontal line in the window represents the bottom margin. Click and drag it up or down to adjust it. Release when the desired size is set. Notice that it displays its current size in a box on the right. 3. Click the Change button to apply this change. To use the report, click on 'Print:' in the 'Report' box or click on the worksheet to bring it to the front. QSet the global number display format to horizontal bar graph in the Sheet Inspector Open the Sheet Inspector (Format -> Sheet Inspector )and select Format. Click '1' in the 'Base Style' box. Click the pop-up menu button in the 'Display Format' box and select Chart. 1. Select Format -> Sheet Inspector from the menu to open the worksheet settings panel. 2. Click the Format button from the column of menu choices on the left. This displays cell format options. 3. Click '1' in the 'Base Style' box, then click the pop-up menu button (square button with smaller square in it) appearing near the top of the 'Display Format' box. 4. Select Chart from the menu of choices. This sets the worksheet's global display format to display horizontal bar charts composed of + and - symbols. Click anywhere on the worksheet to bring it to the front. BFormat the selected range to display values in the Time format HH:MM:SS (24 hr) highlight the cell range and select Format -> Cell Format Inspector . Click on Format to display the 'Display Format' box. Click the box's pop-up menu button and select 'Time-Intl1'. 1. Highlight the cell range: Move to one corner, hold down the mouse-button, then drag to the diagonal corner of the range and release. 2. Select Format -> Cell Format Inspector from the Mesa menu. 3. Click on Format from the column menu on the left. A 'Display Format' box is displayed in the center of the panel. 4. Click the pop-up menu button at the top of the Display Format box and select ' Date-HM' from the list of choices. This applies HH:MM:SS (24 hr) time formatting to the selected range. Click anywhere on the worksheet to bring it to the front. ,Format the selected range to display values in the Date format MMM-YY highlight the cell range and select Format -> Cell Format Inspector . Click on Format to display the 'Display Format' box. Click the box's pop-up menu button and select 'Month-Yr'. 1. Highlight the cell range: Move to one corner, hold down the mouse-button, then drag to the diagonal corner of the range and release. 2. Select Format -> Cell Format Inspector from the Mesa menu. 3. Click on Format from the column menu on the left. A 'Display Format' box is displayed in the center of the panel. 4. Click the pop-up menu button at the top of the Display Format box and select 'Month-Yr' from the list of choices. This applies MMM-YY date formatting to the selected range. Click anywhere on the worksheet to bring it to the front. Select lines and/or points for the C-range for XY and Scatter graphs Mesa does not format graph ranges individually, but formats all ranges at once. To change the display format for the entire graph: Click to select current graph. Select Graphics -> Graph Inspector and select Current from the inspector menu. Select 'Points', 'Line' or 'Points and Lines' from the box in the center of the panel. 1. Click anywhere on the current graph to select it. 2. Select Graphics -> Graph Inspector from the Mesa menu to open the panel containing all graph options. 3. Click on Current from the button-bar along the left. 4. Click on the button for the desired graph option: 'Points', 'Line' or 'Points and Lines'. Click anywhere on the worksheet to return it to the front. WGDPP OSet the default page length - not applicable - Mesa does not support default printer settings. Instead, it uses custom Print Reports to store print settings within each worksheet. To create a Print Report: 1. Select Format -> Report Layout to open the Report Formatter. 2. Click and enter a name in the 'Report Name'. 3. Click the Add button. To specify its page length: 1. The Page Layout window is the big window in the top half of the Report Formatter and displays all formatting added to the report. Adjust the 'View Scale' slider control to read ~40%. 2. Double click in the 'Page Height' field in the 'Page Layout' box, then enter the desired page length, in inches. 3. Click the Change button to apply this change. To use the report, click on 'Print:' in the 'Report' box or click on the worksheet to bring it to the front. WGDPR Set the default right margin value - not applicable - Mesa does not support default printer settings. Instead, it uses custom Print Reports to store print settings within each worksheet. To create a Print Report: 1. Select Format -> Report Layout to open the Report Formatter. 2. Click and enter a name in the 'Report Name'. 3. Click the Add button. To adjust its right margin: 1. The Page Layout window is the big window in the top half of the Report Formatter and displays all formatting added to the report. Adjust the 'View Scale' slider control to read ~40%. 2. The right-most vertical lines in the window represents the right margin. Click and drag it in or out to adjust it. Release when the desired size is set. Notice that it displays its current size in a box on the right. 3. Click the Change button to apply this change. To use the report, click on 'Print:report, click on 'Print:' in the 'Report' box or click on the worksheet to bring it to the front. WGDPS CSpecify default printer control codes - not applicable - Mesa uses the NeXT Postscript facility for printing. Postscript printers don't accept control codes. However, changes done with codes can be done directly with other features: \015 compressed print - Use smaller font, reduce row/column size \018 normal print - Format text as default \0270 compressed line spacing - Use smaller font and reduce row height \027&l1O landscape orientation - Select landscape on Report Formatter To make other changes, use the Report Formatter or Print panel. WGDPT Set the default top margin value - not applicable - Mesa does not support default printer settings. Instead, it uses custom Print Reports to store print settings within each worksheet. To create a Print Report: 1. Select Format -> Report Layout to open the Report Formatter. 2. Click and enter a name in the 'Report Name'. 3. Click the Add button. To adjust its top margin: 1. The Page Layout window is the big window in the top half of the Report Formatter and displays all formatting added to the report. Adjust the 'View Scale' slider control to read ~40%. 2. The top-most horizontal line in the window represents the top margin. Click and drag it up or down to adjust it. Release when the desired size is set. Notice that it displays its current size in a box on the right. 3. Click the Change button to apply this change. To use the report, click on 'Print:' in the 'Report' box or click on the worksheet to bring it to the front. WGDPW Set the interval to wait before printing the next page - not applicable - In Lotus 1-2-3, this feature was used to give the user enough time to manually feed a new page before the printer continued printing. Mesa does not support the wait feature but does support manual feed. To use it: Select Print from the main menu and open the Print panel. Click the pop-up menu button in the 'Cassette' box and select manual. Next, select PRINT, FAX, PREVIEW or SAVE, or CANCEL to abort printing. WGDPAN Issue carriage return after printing each line - not applicable - NeXT printers are Postscript 'page printers' that don't support line printing; therefore, this command is not applicable. unknown This slash command is unknown. no help 1There is no help for this slash command. Sorry! GOSXFD3 Set the display format for numbers along the X-axis as Date3: MMM-YY X-axis numbers are formatted by applying formatting to the underlying cells making up the axis titles. 1. Highlight the cell range: Move to one corner, hold down the mouse-button, then drag to the diagonal corner of the range and release. 2. Select Format -> Cell Format Inspector from the Mesa menu. 3. Click on Format from the column menu on the left. A 'Display Format' box is displayed in the center of the panel. 4. Click the pop-up menu button at the top of the Display Format box and select 'Month-Yr' from the list of choices. This applies MMM-YY date formatting to the selected range. Click anywhere on the worksheet to bring it to the front. Type COMMAND-= to refresh the graph. PPOML Set left margin for the printed page Mesa uses custom Print Reports to customize and store print settings within each worksheet. Report Tags are used to add custom formatting, such as margin settings, to Print Reports. To create a Print Report: 1. Select Format -> Report Layout to open the Report Formatter. 2. Click and enter a name in the 'Report Name'. 3. Click the Add button. To adjust its left margin: 1. The Page Layout window is the big window in the top half of the Report Formatter and displays all formatting added to the report. Adjust the 'View Scale' slider control to read ~40%. 2. The left-most vertical line in the window represents the left margin. Click and drag it in or out to adjust it. Release when the desired size is set. Notice that it displays its current size in a box on the right. 3. Click the Change button to apply this change. To use the report, click on 'Print:' in the 'Report' box or click on the worksheet to bring it to the front. not implemented .This slash command is not implemented, yet... WGDOH Detach the removable help system to conserve memory - not applicable - Mesa's help system is attached at all times and cannot be disabled. However, Mesa does not load help files into memory until Help is selected. WGOIN Display parenthesis around negative numbers if formatted as Comma or Currency - not applicable - Mesa places parenthesis around all negative numbers formatted as Comma or Currency. There is no way to change this at this time. Set the worksheet recalculation order to row-wise - not applicable - Mesa performs all cell recalculations in natural order. GOSYU Select the upper limit for manual scaling on the Y-axis Click to select current graph. Select Graphics -> Graph Inspector and select Scale from the inspector menu. Click the 'Auto Scale' box in the 'Graph Scaling' field so that the checkmark disappears. Enter new value in the 'Y Max' field. 1. Click anywhere on the current graph to select it. 2. Select Graphics -> Graph Inspector from the Mesa menu to open the panel containing all graph options. 3. Click on Scale from the button-bar along the left to display scaling options. 4. Click the 'Auto Scale' box in the 'Graph Scaling' field so that the checkmark disappears. This turns off the default scaling. 5. Click in 'Y Max' box so that a text-cursor appears. Type in the new maximum Y-scale value (any value greater than zero) and press RETURN. The active graph will automatically update with the new scale. Click anywhere on the worksheet to bring it back to the front. PPOMB Set bottom margin for the printed page Mesa uses custom Print Reports to customize and store print settings within each worksheet. Report Tags are used to add custom formatting, such as margin settings, to Print Reports. To create a Print Report: 1. Select Format -> Report Layout to open the Report Formatter. 2. Click and enter a name in the 'Report Name'. 3. Click the Add button. To adjust its bottom margin: 1. The Page Layout window is the big window in the top half of the Report Formatter and displays all formatting added to the report. Adjust the 'View Scale' slider control to read ~40%. 2. The bottom-most horizontal line in the window represents the bottom margin. Click and drag it up or down to adjust it. Release when the desired size is set. Notice that it displays its current size in a box on the right. 3. Click the Change button to apply this change. To use the report, click on 'Print:' in the 'Report' box or click on the worksheet to bring it to the front. Synchronize scrolling between windows Mesa has no direct equivalent for this command. Mesa allows multiple windows within a worksheet but each window scrolls independently of the others. 1Assign cells as range names of the cells to their right Highlight the cell(s) to be assigned and select Sheet -> Label -> Label Range To Right. 1. Highlight the cell range to be assigned: Move to one corner of the range to be selected. Click in that corner and, holding down the mouse-button, drag the mouse to the opposite corner and release the mouse-button. A range of cells should be highlighted (shaded). 2. Select Sheet -> Label -> Label Range To Right. The labels in the selected cells are now assigned as range names of the cells to their right. GOSYFDT3 Set the display format for numbers along the Y-axis as Time: HH:MM:SS (24 hr) Mesa does not support this feature at this time. Mesa provides only Fixed and Scientific formatting for the Y-axis values. GOSYF, Set the display format for numbers along the Y-axis as Comma Mesa does not support this feature at this time. Mesa provides only Fixed and Scientific formatting for the Y-axis values. GOSYL Select the lower limit for manual scaling on the Y-axis Click to select current graph. Select Graphics -> Graph Inspector and select Scale from the inspector menu. Click the 'Auto Scale' box in the 'Graph Scaling' field so that the checkmark disappears. Enter new value in the 'Y Min' field. 1. Click anywhere on the current graph to select it. 2. Select Graphics -> Graph Inspector from the Mesa menu to open the panel containing all graph options. 3. Click on Scale from the button-bar along the left to display scaling options. 4. Click the 'Auto Scale' box in the 'Graph Scaling' field so that the checkmark disappears. This turns off the default scaling. 5. Click in 'Y Min' box so that a text-cursor appears. Type in the new minimum Y-scale value (any value less than or equal to zero) and press RETURN. The active graph will automatically update with the new scale. Click anywhere on the worksheet to bring it back to the front. GOSYM Select manual scaling for the Y-axis Click to select current graph. Select Graphics -> Graph Inspector and select Scale from the inspector menu. Click the 'Auto Scale' box in the 'Graph Scaling' field so that the checkmark disappears. Enter desired values in the 'Y Max' and 'Y Min' fields. 1. Click anywhere on the current graph to select it. 2. Select Graphics -> Graph Inspector from the Mesa menu to open the panel containing all graph options. 3. Click on Scale from the button-bar along the left to display scaling options. 4. Click the 'Auto Scale' box in the 'Graph Scaling' field so that the checkmark disappears. This turns off the default scaling. 5. Click in 'Y Max' box so that a text-cursor appears. Type in the new maximum Y-scale value (any value > zero) and press RETURN. 6. Click in the 'Y Min' box and enter any value less than or equal to zero and press RETURN. The active graph will automatically update with the new scale. Click anywhere on the worksheet to bring it back to the front. 5Format the selected range to display values in the Time format HH:MM AM/PM highlight the cell range and select Format -> Cell Format Inspector . Click on Format to display the 'Display Format' box. Click the box's pop-up menu button and select 'Date-HM'. 1. Highlight the cell range: Move to one corner, hold down the mouse-button, then drag to the diagonal corner of the range and release. 2. Select Format -> Cell Format Inspector from the Mesa menu. 3. Click on Format from the column menu on the left. A 'Display Format' box is displayed in the center of the panel. 4. Click the pop-up menu button at the top of the Display Format box and select ' Date-HM' from the list of choices. This applies HH:MM AM/PM time formatting to the selected range. Click anywhere on the worksheet to bring it to the front. Clear the range assigned to record keystrokes Mesa does not support this feature at this time. Mesa fully supports most Lotus 1-2-3 macro commands, but the macro-record feature is not currently available. lChange the width of the selected column Move the mouse-pointer to the right border of the column heading and click and drag its border left or right. Release the button when the column is the desired width. 1. Move the arrow up to the column-heading part of the worksheet frame (the part that says 'A B C D...'). Move to the right edge of the desired column until the mouse-arrow turns to a double-arrow symbol '<-|->'. 2. Press and hold the mouse-button and drag the right boundary left to reduce the column's width or right to enlarge its width. 3. Release the button when the column is the desired width. GOSYA \Select default scale options for the Y-axis Click to select current graph. Select Graphics -> Graph Inspector and select Scale from the inspector menu. Click to remove the checkmarks from the 'X-major' and 'X-min and select Scale from the inspector menu. Click the 'Auto Scale' field in the 'Graph Scaling' box so that a checkmark appears. Resetting the Y-axis resets the X-axis because they are linked. 1. Click anywhere on the current graph to select it. 2. Select Graphics -> Graph Inspector from the Mesa menu to open the panel containing all graph options. 3. Click on Scale from the button-bar along the left to display scaling options. 4. Click the 'Auto Scale' field in the 'Graph Scaling' box so that a checkmark appears. This clears custom scaling and returns to the default. Click anywhere on the worksheet to bring it back to the front. {Insert blank columns into the Worksheet, moving existing columns right Select the position and number of columns to insert by highlighting them from the worksheet frame, then select Edit -> Insert. 1. Specify where to insert columns by clicking at that location in the worksheet frame (the row that says 'A B C D...'). This selects the entire column. 2. To insert more than one column, click and hold down the button and drag right, highlighting as many columns as you want to insert. 3. Select Edit -> Insert. Mesa inserts new blank columns starting at the left-most highlighted column and shifts adjacent columns right. +Add a main title to the current graph Click to select current graph. Select Graphics -> Graph Inspector and select Titles from the inspector menu. Click in the 'First:' field and enter the title for the graph. 1. Click anywhere on the current graph to select it. 2. Select Graphics -> Graph Inspector from the Mesa menu to open the panel containing all graph options. 3. Click on Titles from the button-bar along the left to display Title options. 4. Click in the 'First:' field so that a text-cursor appears. Type the graph's title and press RETURN. This inserts this text as a title on the top of the graph. To use cell references, type a cell address (e.g., A1) in the 'First:' field, then click on the 'Cell Reference' box below it. Click anywhere on the worksheet to bring it back to the front. .Format the selected range to display values in the Date format DD-MMM highlight the cell range and select Format -> Cell Format Inspector . Click on Format to display the 'Display Format' box. Click the box's pop-up menu button and select 'Day-Month'. 1. Highlight the cell range: Move to one corner, hold down the mouse-button, then drag to the diagonal corner of the range and release. 2. Select Format -> Cell Format Inspector from the Mesa menu. 3. Click on Format from the column menu on the left. A 'Display Format' box is displayed in the center of the panel. 4. Click the pop-up menu button at the top of the Display Format box and select 'Day-Month' from the list of choices. This applies DD-MMM date formatting to the selected range. Click anywhere on the worksheet to bring it to the front. Set the global column width for the worksheet in the Sheet Inspector Open the Sheet Inspector by selecting Format -> Sheet Inspector and select Size. Click '1' in the 'Base Style' box, then adjust the horizontal slider in the 'Cell Size' box to the desired width. 1. Select Format -> Sheet Inspector from the menu. This opens a panel displaying the global worksheet settings. 2. The left side of the panel displays a column of menu choices. Click on the Size button to display cell sizing options, then Click '1' in the 'Base Style' box. 3. A 'Cell Size' box appears, containing a horizontal and a vertical slider control. 4. Adjust the horizontal slider until it displays the desired column width (in inches), then release it. The default width of worksheet columns will be adjusted to this width. The global row-height can be modified in the same way. Click anywhere on the worksheet to bring it to the front. Assign a legend for the F-data range Mesa does not allow legends to be edited individually. Instead, legends must be defined for all data ranges at once. Also, legend data must reside in the first row or first column in the range. To add legends to the current graph: 1. Click anywhere on the current graph to select it. 2. Select Graphics -> Graph Inspector from the Mesa menu to open the panel containing all graph options. 3. Click Legend on the button-bar along the left. 4. Click the button for the desired Legend location: LEFT, RIGHT, TOP, BOTTOM or NONE. The first four will automatically resize the graph to fit in the graph area. NONE clears all legends. 5. If the Legend boxes display without text, click LABELS from the Graph Inspector menu and select 'Top Row' (for horizontal data) or 'Left Column' (for vertical data). The Legends now appear within the graph. NOTE: If the text in the legends is too long, the graph will be blank. To correct this, shorten the legend text. PPOMT Set top margin for the printed page Mesa uses custom Print Reports to customize and store print settings within each worksheet. Report Tags are used to add custom formatting, such as margin settings, to Print Reports. To create a Print Report: 1. Select Format -> Report Layout to open the Report Formatter. 2. Click and enter a name in the 'Report Name'. 3. Click the Add button. To adjust its top margin: 1. The Page Layout window is the big window in the top half of the Report Formatter and displays all formatting added to the report. Adjust the 'View Scale' slider control to read ~40%. 2. The top-most horizontal line in the window represents the top margin. Click and drag it up or down to adjust it. Release when the desired size is set. Notice that it displays its current size in a box on the right. 3. Click the Change button to apply this change. To use the report, click on 'Print:' in the 'Report' box or click on the worksheet to bring it to the front. Add a horizontal grid to the graph display Click to select current graph. Select Graphics -> Graph Inspector and select Grid from the inspector menu. Click either the 'Y-major' or 'Y-minor' buttons in the 'Grid' box. 1. Click anywhere on the current graph to select it. 2. Select Graphics -> Graph Inspector from the Mesa menu to open the panel containing all graph options. 3. Click on Grid from the button-bar along the left to display grid options. 4. Click either the 'Y-major' or 'Y-minor' buttons in the 'Grid' box. 'Y-major' adds widely spaced gridlines to the graph. 'Y-minor' adds narrowly spaced lines. Click anywhere on the worksheet to bring it back to the front. Align paper to top of form - not applicable - Mesa uses the NeXT Postscript facility for printing. Postscript printers are single-sheet printers and automatically align themselves at the top of the next page. Select lines and/or points for the B-range for XY and Scatter graphs Mesa does not format graph ranges individually, but formats all ranges at once. To change the display format for the entire graph: Click to select current graph. Select Graphics -> Graph Inspector and select Current from the inspector menu. Select 'Points', 'Line' or 'Points and Lines' from the box in the center of the panel. 1. Click anywhere on the current graph to select it. 2. Select Graphics -> Graph Inspector from the Mesa menu to open the panel containing all graph options. 3. Click on Current from the button-bar along the left. 4. Click on the button for the desired graph option: 'Points', 'Line' or 'Points and Lines'. Click anywhere on the worksheet to return it to the front. PPOMR Set right margin for the printed page Mesa uses custom Print Reports to customize and store print settings within each worksheet. Report Tags are used to add custom formatting, such as margin settings, to Print Reports. To create a Print Report: 1. Select Format -> Report Layout to open the Report Formatter. 2. Click and enter a name in the 'Report Name'. 3. Click the Add button. To adjust its right margin: 1. The Page Layout window is the big window in the top half of the Report Formatter and displays all formatting added to the report. Adjust the 'View Scale' slider control to read ~40%. 2. The right-most vertical lines in the window represents the right margin. Click and drag it in or out to adjust it. Release when the desired size is set. Notice that it displays its current size in a box on the right. 3. Click the Change button to apply this change. To use the report, click on 'Print:' in the 'Report' box or click on the worksheet to bring it to the front. WGDOIP eSpecify the decimal point and thousands separators Mesa does not support this feature at this time. WGOIT Select the default international time format - not applicable - Mesa currently supports two international time formats: HH:MM:SS (24 hour) and HH:MM (24 hour). Both are formatting options in the Sheet Inspector and Cell Format Inspector panels. Re-display a graph using settings stored in the graph name All graphs, including named ones, are stored on the worksheet. To re-display a named graph: Select Sheet -> Goto Cell to open the Goto panel. Type in the name of the graph and press RETURN. 1. Select Sheet -> Goto Cell. This opens the Goto panel, used to jump to a specified range or location. 2. Type in the name of the graph in the text box and press RETURN. Mesa will scroll the view to the location of the graph on the worksheet. {Specify dependent variable range for regression analysis Mesa does not support the Data Regression commands at this time. Select the secondary sort key Highlight the range to be sorted and select Sheet -> Database -> Sort to open the Sort panel. Double-click in the 'Key 1' box and type in the first cell of the primary column or row and press RETURN. 1. Highlight the range of cells to be sorted: Move to one corner, hold down the mouse-button, then drag the mouse to the diagonal corner of the range and release. The range will be highlighted (shaded). 2. Next select Sheet -> Database -> Sort from the Mesa menu. This opens the panel that displays all sort settings. 3. Double-click in the 'Key 2' box type the first cell in the secondary column or primary row and press RETURN. If the sort range is A1:C100 and column B is the secondary column, type 'B1'. 4. Click either Ascending (alphabetical for text, increasing for numbers) or Descending (reverse-alphabetic for text and decreasing for numbers) order. NOTE: The primary sort key (key 1) must be specified first. Click on SORT to continue, CANCEL to abort. }Reset the E-data range Mesa has no direct equivalent for this command. Mesa specifies the entire graph range at once, instead of range by range. For this reason, ranges cannot be modified individually; the entire range must be modified: The Graph Inspector allows the range to be enlarged (e.g., A1:D10 to A1:F10) or reduced (e.g., A1:D10 to A1:C8): 1. Click on the current graph to select it. (There must be a graph on-screen to do this.) 2. Select Graphics -> Graph Inspector from the menu to open the settings panel. 3. Click RANGE from the button-bar along the left to display the range(s). 4. Click in the 'Data Ranges' field, enter new range and press RETURN. The new range will be reflected in the active graph. NOTE: Extra ranges are available in the Graph Inspector for displaying data side-by-side with the primary data. Enter and modify them just like the primary range. }Reset the A-data range Mesa has no direct equivalent for this command. Mesa specifies the entire graph range at once, instead of range by range. For this reason, ranges cannot be modified individually; the entire range must be modified: The Graph Inspector allows the range to be enlarged (e.g., A1:D10 to A1:F10) or reduced (e.g., A1:D10 to A1:C8). 1. Click on the current graph to select it. (There must be a graph on-screen to do this.) 2. Select Graphics -> Graph Inspector from the menu to open the settings panel. 3. Click RANGE from the button-bar along the left to display the range(s). 4. Click in the 'Data Ranges' field, enter new range and press RETURN. The new range will be reflected in the active graph. NOTE: Extra ranges are available in the Graph Inspector for displaying data side-by-side with the primary data. Enter and modify them just like the primary range. qSpecify the output range for a data query operation Mesa does not support the Data Query commands at this time. Display graph in color To change the color of any part of a graph, select the graph by clicking on it, select Format -> Colors and select the appropriate color and drag-and-drop it onto the graph to change any of these elements: pie slices, bars, lines and text. 1. Select Format -> Colors from the menu to open the Color panel. 2. Select a color by clicking its button. The color appears in the rectangular box in the panel called the Color Well. 3. Move the mouse into the Color Well and hold down the mouse-button. A small square, filled with the current color, appears under the mouse arrow. This is a color chip. 4. Drag this chip onto the object whose color is to be changed and release the mouse-button. To change the color of a range on a graph, drop a color chip onto one element of that range (such as one of the columns in a column chart) and all other elements of the range will change to that color. ~Execute the sort on the specified range Use the mouse the highlight a sort range. Once all desired sort settings have been specified in the Sort panel (Sheet -> Database -> Sort ) click SORT to perform the sort and bring the worksheet to the front. 1. Use the mouse to highlight the desired range. Move to one corner, hold down the mouse-button, then drag the mouse to the diagonal corner of the range and release. The range will be highlighted (shaded). Next select Sheet -> Database -> Sort to open the Sort panel. The selected range will be displayed in the 'Range' box. 2. Click on SORT to perform the sort, CANCEL to abort. SErase a worksheet file from disk Mesa does not support this feature at this time. wSpecify the column range containing the data to be parsed Mesa does not support the Data Parse commands at this time. sSpecify the criteria range for a data query operation Mesa does not support the Data Query commands at this time. 4Subtract values contained in a file on disk from the current worksheet Mesa has no direct equivalent for this command. Mesa allows values to be cleared from a template sheet: 1. Highlight the range of cells to be cleared: Move to one corner of the range, click and drag the mouse to the opposite corner and release the mouse-button. To clear an entire file, select Edit -> Select All from the menu. 2. Select Edit -> Clear Special -> Numeric Input to erase all values from this range. These options clear only numeric data, leaving other data types intact. PErase any type file from disk Mesa does not support this feature at this time. 7Create a graph, specifying all ranges at once, with the ranges grouped in columns Mesa specifies the entire graph range at once, instead of range by range. By default, the program groups the data into ranges by column. Highlight the data to be plotted and select Graphics. This displays a submenu showing all graph types. Select a chart type from this list: 1. Highlight the data to be plotted: Move to one corner of the range, click and hold down the mouse-button, drag to the opposite corner and release the mouse-button. A range of cells will be highlighted (shaded). 2. Select Graphics from the menu. This displays a submenu of all graph types available. 3. Select a chart type from this list. This pastes a graph onto the worksheet. Graphs sit on top of the worksheet data and can be moved and resized. PErase a saved graph from disk Mesa does not support this feature at this time. WGDOID Select the default international date format - not applicable - Mesa currently supports two international date formats: MM/DD/YY and MM/DD. Both are formatting options in the Sheet Inspector and Cell Format Inspector panels. TCreate a 1-variable what-if table Mesa does not support this feature at this time. Copy a range from a file on disk into the current worksheet Mesa has no direct equivalent for this command. Open the source data file. Highlight the data and select Edit -> Copy. Select the target worksheet, move to the target location and select Edit -> Paste. 1. Select File -> Open from the menu to open the File Viewer. Select a file or directory from the panel. When the source file is located, click on it to select it, then click OK. The selected file will be opened and become the active worksheet on screen. 2. Highlight the range of cells to be copied: Move to one corner of the range, click and drag the mouse to the opposite corner and release the mouse-button. To copy an entire file, select Edit -> Select All from the menu. 3. Select Edit -> Copy from the menu. 4. Select the target file by clicking anyplace on it. 5. Move to the top-left cell of the paste range. 6. Select Edit -> Paste to copy the data onto the target worksheet, overwriting ALL prior data in the range. WGDOBN Turn off the error beep All sound output from the NeXT computer can be muted by pressing the Mute button (near the return key), which gradually decreases the speaker volume. For more information, see the 'NeXT User Reference'. WGDOCN Suppress display of the date and time on the worksheet - not applicable - The current date and time may be displayed by the system in the 'Application Dock'. For more information, see the 'NeXT User Reference'. GOSYFP Set the display format for numbers along the Y-axis as Percent Mesa does not support this feature at this time. Mesa provides only Fixed and Scientific formatting for the Y-axis values. WGDOCF Display the current Filename on the worksheet Mesa displays the complete path and filename of the current worksheet along the top edge of its window(s). This feature cannot be disabled. GOSYFT Set the display format for numbers along the Y-axis as Text Mesa does not support this feature at this time. Mesa provides only Fixed and Scientific formatting for the Y-axis values. GOSYFD4 Set the display format for numbers along the Y-axis as Dates: MM/DD/YY Mesa does not support this feature at this time. Mesa provides only Fixed and Scientific formatting for the Y-axis values. GOSYFF PSet the display format for numbers along the Y-axis as fixed Click to select current graph. Select Graphics -> Graph Inspector and select Labels from the inspector menu. Click the left and right arrows in the 'Decimal Places' box to decrease and increase the number of decimal places. For Y-axis formatting, Mesa allows 0, 1 or 2 decimal places. 1. Click anywhere on the current graph to select it. 2. Select Graphics -> Graph Inspector from the Mesa menu to open the panel containing all graph options. 3. Click on Labels from the button-bar along the left to display Label options. 4. The 'Decimal Places' box displays the current number of decimal places and has left arrow to decrease the number and right arrow to increase. Click until the desired number is displayed. Click anywhere on the worksheet to bring it back to the front. GOSYFH Set the display format for numbers along the Y-axis as Hidden Mesa does not support this feature at this time. Mesa provides only Fixed and Scientific formatting for the Y-axis values. WGDOUD Disable the undo feature to conserve memory - not applicable - Mesa's undo feature is attached at all times and cannot be disabled. Suppress the display of zero-values on the screen - not applicable - Mesa always displays zero-values on the screen and this cannot be modified. GOSXU Select the upper-limit for manual scaling on the X-axis Click to select current graph. Select Graphics -> Graph Inspector and select Scale from the inspector menu. Click the 'Auto Scale' box in the 'Graph Scaling' field so that the checkmark disappears. Enter new value in the 'X Max' field. 1. Click anywhere on the current graph to select it. 2. Select Graphics -> Graph Inspector from the Mesa menu to open the panel containing all graph options. 3. Click on Scale from the button-bar along the left to display scaling options. 4. Click the 'Auto Scale' box in the 'Graph Scaling' field so that the checkmark disappears. This turns off the default scaling. 5. Click in 'X Max' box so that a text-cursor appears. Type in the new maximum X-scale value (any value greater than zero) and press RETURN. The active graph will automatically update with the new scale. Click anywhere on the worksheet to bring it back to the front. Set the number of iterations when recalculating the worksheet - not applicable - Mesa always does an intelligent recalc, solving forward, backward, then inserting random values in order to generate satisfactory values. Allow changes to be made only to unprotected cells on the worksheet Open the Sheet Inspector by selecting Format -> Sheet Inspector , select Protection, and place a checkmark in the Enable Protection field within the 'Protection' box. 1. Select Format -> Sheet Inspector from the menu. This opens a panel displaying the global worksheet settings. 2. The left side of the panel displays a column of menu choices. Click on the Protection button to display cell protection options. 3. A 'Protection' box appears. Place a checkmark in the Enable Protection field in the box. This turns on worksheet protection, so that only unprotected cells can be modified. Click anywhere on the worksheet to bring it to the front. Recalculate the worksheet each time the contents of a cell are changed Open the Sheet Inspector by selecting Format -> Sheet Inspector , select Recalc, and place a checkmark in the 'Auto Recalc' field. 1. Select Format -> Sheet Inspector from the menu. This opens a panel displaying the global worksheet settings. 2. The left side of the panel displays a column of menu choices. Click on the Recalc button to display worksheet recalculation options. 3. A 'Recalc/Debug' box appears, containing the 'Auto Recalc' field. Click the box just right of this field so that a checkmark appears. This enables automatic recalculation of the spreadsheet. Click anywhere on the worksheet to bring it to the front. :Insert printer control codes - not applicable - Mesa uses the NeXT Postscript facility for printing. Postscript printers don't accept control codes. However, changes done with codes can be done directly with other features: \015 compressed print - Use smaller font, reduce row/column size \018 normal print - Format text as default \0270 compressed line spacing - Use smaller font and reduce row-height \027&l1O landscape orientation - Select landscape on Report Formatter To make other changes, use the Report Formatter or Print panel. Save current Global Default settings - not applicable - All changes made using the Sheet Inspector (Format -> Sheet Inspector) will be saved within the current worksheet. All changes made on the Preferences panel (Info -> Preferences) will be automatically saved by Mesa. GOSXFDT1 Set the display format for numbers along the X-axis as Time1: HH:MM:SS AM/PM X-axis numbers are formatted by applying formatting to the underlying cells making up the axis titles. 1. Highlight the cell range: Move to one corner, hold down the mouse-button, then drag to the diagonal corner of the range and release. 2. Select Format -> Cell Format Inspector from the Mesa menu. 3. Click on Format from the column menu on the left. A 'Display Format' box is displayed in the center of the panel. 4. Click the pop-up menu button at the top of the Display Format box and select ' Date-HMS' from the list of choices. This applies HH:MM:SS AM/PM time formatting to the selected range. Click anywhere on the worksheet to bring it to the front. Type COMMAND-= to refresh the graph. GOSXF, qSet the display format for numbers along the X-axis as Comma X-axis numbers are formatted by applying formatting to the underlying cells making up the axis titles. 1. Highlight the cell range: Move to one corner, hold down the mouse-button, then drag to the diagonal corner of the range and release. 2. Select Format -> Cell Format Inspector from the Mesa menu. 3. Click on Format from the column menu on the left. A 'Display Format' box is displayed in the center of the panel. 4. Click the pop-up menu button at the top of the Display Format box and select 'Comma' from the list of choices. This applies comma formatting to the selected range. 5. Select the number of decimal places to be displayed by highlighting that number. To select four places, highlight '0.1234'. Click anywhere on the worksheet to bring it to the front. Type COMMAND-= to refresh the graph. GOSXL Select the lower-limit for manual scaling on the X-axis Click to select current graph. Select Graphics -> Graph Inspector and select Scale from the inspector menu. Click the 'Auto Scale' box in the 'Graph Scaling' field so that the checkmark disappears. Enter new value in the 'X Min' field. 1. Click anywhere on the current graph to select it. 2. Select Graphics -> Graph Inspector from the Mesa menu to open the panel containing all graph options. 3. Click on Scale from the button-bar along the left to display scaling options. 4. Click the 'Auto Scale' box in the 'Graph Scaling' field so that the checkmark disappears. This turns off the default scaling. 5. Click in 'X Min' box so that a text-cursor appears. Type in the new minimum X-scale value (any value less than or equal to zero) and press RETURN. The active graph will automatically update with the new scale. Click anywhere on the worksheet to bring it back to the front. GOSXM Select manual scaling for the X-axis Click to select current graph. Select Graphics -> Graph Inspector and select Scale from the inspector menu. Click the 'Auto Scale' box in the 'Graph Scaling' field so that the checkmark disappears. Enter desired values in the 'X Max' and 'X Min' fields. 1. Click anywhere on the current graph to select it. 2. Select Graphics -> Graph Inspector from the Mesa menu to open the panel containing all graph options. 3. Click on Scale from the button-bar along the left to display scaling options. 4. Click the 'Auto Scale' box in the 'Graph Scaling' field so that the checkmark disappears. This turns off the default scaling. 5. Click in 'X Max' box so that a text-cursor appears. Type in the new maximum X-scale value (any value > zero) and press RETURN. 6. Click in the 'X Min' box and enter any value less than or equal to zero and press RETURN. The active graph will automatically update with the new scale. Click anywhere on the worksheet to bring it back to the front. =Format the selected range to display values in the Time format HH:MM:SS AM/PM highlight the cell range and select Format -> Cell Format Inspector . Click on Format to display the 'Display Format' box. Click the box's pop-up menu button and select 'Date-HMS'. 1. Highlight the cell range: Move to one corner, hold down the mouse-button, then drag to the diagonal corner of the range and release. 2. Select Format -> Cell Format Inspector from the Mesa menu. 3. Click on Format from the column menu on the left. A 'Display Format' box is displayed in the center of the panel. 4. Click the pop-up menu button at the top of the Display Format box and select ' Date-HMS' from the list of choices. This applies HH:MM:SS AM/PM time formatting to the selected range. Click anywhere on the worksheet to bring it to the front. GOSXA Select default scale options for the X-axis Click to select current graph. Select Graphics -> Graph Inspector and select Scale from the inspector menu. Click the 'Auto Scale' box in the 'Graph Scaling' field so that a checkmark appears. Resetting the X-axis to the default will reset the Y-axis as well, because they are linked. 1. Click anywhere on the current graph to select it. 2. Select Graphics -> Graph Inspector from the Mesa menu to open the panel containing all graph options. 3. Click on Scale from the button-bar along the left to display scaling options. 4. Click the 'Auto Scale' field in the 'Graph Scaling' box so that a checkmark appears. This clears custom scaling and returns to the default. Click anywhere on the worksheet to bring it back to the front. 2Format the selected range to display values in the Date format DD-MMM-YY highlight the cell range and select Format -> Cell Format Inspector . Click on Format to display the 'Display Format' box. Click the box's pop-up menu button and select 'D-M-Year'. 1. Highlight the cell range: Move to one corner, hold down the mouse-button, then drag to the diagonal corner of the range and release. 2. Select Format -> Cell Format Inspector from the Mesa menu. 3. Click on Format from the column menu on the left. A 'Display Format' box is displayed in the center of the panel. 4. Click the pop-up menu button at the top of the Display Format box and select 'D-M-Year' from the list of choices. This applies DD-MMM-YY date formatting to the selected range. Click anywhere on the worksheet to bring it to the front. Assign a legend for the E-data range Mesa does not allow legends to be edited individually. Instead, legends must be defined for all data ranges at once. Also, legend data must reside in the first row or first column in the range. To add legends to the current graph: 1. Click anywhere on the current graph to select it. 2. Select Graphics -> Graph Inspector from the Mesa menu to open the panel containing all graph options. 3. Click Legend on the button-bar along the left. 4. Click the button for the desired Legend location: LEFT, RIGHT, TOP, BOTTOM or NONE. The first four will automatically resize the graph to fit in the graph area. NONE clears all legends. 5. If the Legend boxes display without text, click LABELS from the Graph Inspector menu and select 'Top Row' (for horizontal data) or 'Left Column' (for vertical data). The Legends now appear within the graph. NOTE: If the text in the legends is too long, the graph will be blank. To correct this, shorten the legend text. Select lines and/or points for the A-range for XY and Scatter graphs Mesa does not format graph ranges individually, but formats all ranges at once. To change the display format for the entire graph: Click to select current graph. Select Graphics -> Graph Inspector and select Current from the inspector menu. Select 'Points', 'Line' or 'Points and Lines' from the box in the center of the panel. 1. Click anywhere on the current graph to select it. 2. Select Graphics -> Graph Inspector from the Mesa menu to open the panel containing all graph options. 3. Click on Current from the button-bar along the left. 4. Click on the button for the desired graph option: 'Points', 'Line' or 'Points and Lines'. Click anywhere on the worksheet to return it to the front. GOSXFT4 Set the display format for numbers along the X-axis as Time4: HH:MM (24 hr) X-axis numbers are formatted by applying formatting to the underlying cells making up the axis titles. 1. Highlight the cell range: Move to one corner, hold down the mouse-button, then drag to the diagonal corner of the range and release. 2. Select Format -> Cell Format Inspector from the Mesa menu. 3. Click on Format from the column menu on the left. A 'Display Format' box is displayed in the center of the panel. 4. Click the pop-up menu button at the top of the Display Format box and select 'Time-Intl2' from the list of choices. This applies HH:MM (24 hr) time formatting to the selected range. Click anywhere on the worksheet to bring it to the front. Type COMMAND-= to refresh the graph. GOSXFP {Set the display format for numbers along the X-axis as Percentages X-axis numbers are formatted by applying formatting to the underlying cells making up the axis titles. 1. Highlight the cell range: Move to one corner, hold down the mouse-button, then drag to the diagonal corner of the range and release. 2. Select Format -> Cell Format Inspector from the Mesa menu. 3. Click on Format from the column menu on the left. A 'Display Format' box is displayed in the center of the panel. 4. Click the pop-up menu button at the top of the Display Format box and select 'General' from the list of choices. This applies general formatting to the selected range. 5. Select the number of decimal places to be displayed by highlighting that number. To select four places, highlight '0.1234'. Click anywhere on the worksheet to bring it to the front. Type COMMAND-= to refresh the graph. GOSXFR Set the display format for numbers along the X-axis back to the default X-axis numbers are formatted by applying formatting to the underlying cells making up the axis titles. 1. Highlight the cell range: Move to one corner, hold down the mouse-button, then drag to the diagonal corner of the range and release. 2. Select Format -> Cell Format Inspector from the Mesa menu. 3. Click on Format from the column menu on the left. A 'Display Format' box is displayed in the center of the panel. 4. Click on the 'Use Default' box so that a checkmark appears. This formats the selected range using sheet defaults. Click anywhere on the worksheet to bring it to the front. Type COMMAND-= to refresh the graph. GOSXFT Set the display format for numbers along the X-axis as Text X-axis numbers are formatted by applying formatting to the underlying cells making up the axis titles. 1. Highlight the cell range: Move to one corner, hold down the mouse-button, then drag to the diagonal corner of the range and release. 2. Select Format -> Cell Format Inspector from the Mesa menu. 3. Click on Format from the column menu on the left. A 'Display Format' box is displayed in the center of the panel. 4. Click the pop-up menu button at the top of the Display Format box and select 'Text' from the list of choices. This applies text formatting to the selected range. Click anywhere on the worksheet to bring it to the front. Type COMMAND-= to refresh the graph. GOSXFD4 Set the display format for numbers along the X-axis as Date4: MM/DD/YY X-axis numbers are formatted by applying formatting to the underlying cells making up the axis titles. 1. Highlight the cell range: Move to one corner, hold down the mouse-button, then drag to the diagonal corner of the range and release. 2. Select Format -> Cell Format Inspector from the Mesa menu. 3. Click on Format from the column menu on the left. A 'Display Format' box is displayed in the center of the panel. 4. Click the pop-up menu button at the top of the Display Format box and select 'Date-Intl1' from the list of choices. This applies MM/DD/YY date formatting to the selected range. Click anywhere on the worksheet to bring it to the front. Type COMMAND-= to refresh the graph. GOSXFF Set the display format for numbers along the X-axis as Fixed X-axis numbers are formatted by applying formatting to the underlying cells making up the axis titles. 1. Highlight the cell range: Move to one corner, hold down the mouse-button, then drag to the diagonal corner of the range and release. 2. Select Format -> Cell Format Inspector from the Mesa menu. 3. Click on Format from the column menu on the left. A 'Display Format' box is displayed in the center of the panel. 4. Click the pop-up menu button at the top of the Display Format box and select 'Fixed Decimal' from the list of choices. This applies fixed decimal formatting to the selected range. 5. Select the number of decimal places to be displayed by highlighting that number. To select four places, highlight '0.1234'. Click anywhere on the worksheet to bring it to the front. Type COMMAND-= to refresh the graph. GOSXFH Set the display format for numbers along the X-axis as Hidden X-axis numbers are formatted by applying formatting to the underlying cells making up the axis titles. 1. Highlight the cell range: Move to one corner, hold down the mouse-button, then drag to the diagonal corner of the range and release. 2. Select Format -> Cell Format Inspector from the Mesa menu. 3. Click on Format from the column menu on the left. A 'Display Format' box is displayed in the center of the panel. 4. Click the pop-up menu button at the top of the Display Format box and select 'Hidden' from the list of choices. This hides the contents of the selected range. Click anywhere on the worksheet to bring it to the front. Type COMMAND-= to refresh the graph. Vertically split the screen at the current column A similar effect can be created by opening a second window with the Windows -> New Window command. 1. Position the current window in the left half of the screen by clicking in its Title bar (the black line at the top with the worksheet's name in it) and dragging left. 2. If the current window is wider than half the screen, reduce its width by moving the mouse to the right edge of the window's frame and clicking and dragging the box outline left to the screen's midpoint. Release the mouse button. 3. Create a new window by choosing Windows -> New Window. This brings up a new view of the same worksheet. 4. Resize it so that it is no wider than half the screen. 5. Position it so that it occupies the right half of the screen. The two windows offer independent views of the same worksheet. Jump between windows by clicking in the desired window. USet the global cell alignment to left-aligned in the Sheet Inspector Open the Sheet Inspector by selecting Format -> Sheet Inspector and select Alignment. Click '1' in the 'Base Style' box. Click the pop-up menu button in the 'Alignment' box and select Left. 1. Select Format -> Sheet Inspector from the menu. This opens a panel displaying the global worksheet settings. 2. The left side of the panel displays a column of menu choices. Click on the Alignment button to display cell alignment options, then Click '1' in the 'Base Style' box. 3. An 'Alignment' box appears with a pop-up menu button inside (looks like a button with a small square on the right side). Click on this button. 4. Select Left from the menu of choices. This sets the global cell alignment to left-aligned. Click anywhere on the worksheet to bring it to the front. Turn off worksheet global protection Open the Sheet Inspector by selecting Format -> Sheet Inspector , select Protection, and click so that no checkmark appears in the Enable Protection field within the 'Protection' box. 1. Select Format -> Sheet Inspector from the menu. This opens a panel displaying the global worksheet settings. 2. The left side of the panel displays a column of menu choices. Click on the Protection button to display cell protection options. 3. A 'Protection' box appears. Click in the Enable Protection field so that the checkmark disappears. This turns off worksheet protection, so that all cells can be modified. Click anywhere on the worksheet to bring it to the front. GOSYFDT1 Set the display format for numbers along the Y-axis as Time: HH:MM:SS AM/PM Mesa does not support this feature at this time. Mesa provides only Fixed and Scientific formatting for the Y-axis values. ;Set the global number display format to hidden in the Sheet Inspector Open the Sheet Inspector (Format -> Sheet Inspector ) and select Format. Click '1' in the 'Base Style' box. Click the pop-up menu button in the 'Display Format' box and select Hidden. 1. Select Format -> Sheet Inspector from the main menu to open a panel displaying the global worksheet settings. 2. Click the Format button from the column of menu choices on the left. This displays cell format options. 3. Click '1' in the 'Base Style' box, then click the pop-up menu button (square button with smaller square in it) appearing near the top of the 'Display Format' box. 4. Select Hidden from the menu of choices. This sets the global display format to not display the contents of cells. Click anywhere on the worksheet to bring it to the front. Specify the default directory - not applicable - By default, Mesa will search for and save files to your home directory. This is a special directory recognized by the system for your personal use only. You can override this default by opening a file from or saving a file to a different directory, making that directory the default. It remains so until you exit the program. There is no way to permanently modify this, however. Set horizontal worksheet titles Using the mouse, drag the heavy black line under the column headings below the range to be made into titles. 1. Make sure the range to be included in the titles is on-screen. 2. Right below the column headings (the row that says 'A B C...') is a heavy black line used to separate horizontal titles from the rest of the worksheet. 3. Move the mouse onto this line until it turns to a downward arrow. 4. Hold the mouse-button down and drag this line downward until it sits below the last row in the title range. 5. Release the mouse button. This creates horizontal titles that remain on screen until they are reset. Clear the current print range Mesa print settings are stored as Print Reports in the Report Formatter panel. To clear a Report's formatting, delete that report: 1. Select Format -> Report_Layout to open the Report Formatter. This panel is used to add, modify or delete custom print settings. 2. Click on one of the report names in the 'Reports' field. This makes the report active. 3. The Range field is in the middle of the panel. It contains up to 32 print ranges. 2. Double-click on the first line of this field so its contents are highlighted. 3. Press DELETE to erase the input. 4. Cursor down one line so that any remaining ranges can be deleted. Use the up/down arrows to scroll through the list and make sure all ranges have been deleted. 5. Click on the CHANGE button in the Report box to apply these changes. The selected report no longer specifies any range. Click anyplace on the worksheet to bring it back to the front. Clear column or row borders These print settings must be deleted from the 'Range' fields of individual reports. 1. Select Format -> Report_Layout to open the Report Formatter. This panel is used to add, modify or delete custom print settings. 2. Click on one of the report names in the 'Reports' field to make the report active. 3. The Range field is in the middle of the panel. It contains up to 32 print ranges. Border ranges are entered AFTER print ranges and begin with 't=' or 's=', followed by another range. Locate and delete these entries. 2. Double-click on the border so it is highlighted. 3. Press DELETE to erase the input. 4. Cursor down one line so that any remaining border ranges can be deleted. Use the up/down arrows to scroll through the list and make sure all ranges have been deleted. 5. Click on the CHANGE button in the Report box to apply these changes. Click anyplace on the worksheet to bring it back to the front. YInsert blank rows into the Worksheet, moving existing rows down Select the position and number of rows to insert by highlighting them from the worksheet frame, then select Edit -> Insert. 1. Specify where to insert rows by clicking at that location in the worksheet frame (the column that displays row numbers). This selects the entire row. 2. To insert more than one row, click and hold down the button and drag down, highlighting as many rows as you want to insert. 3. Select Edit -> Insert. Mesa inserts new blank rows starting at the top-most highlighted row and shifts adjacent rows down. Insert a table of all assigned range names beginning at the current cell Move the cell-pointer to the cell where the table is to be inserted and select Sheet -> Labels -> Insert Label Table (Mesa uses 'Label Name' to mean 'Range Name'). 1. Move to cell where the top-left corner of the table should be. 2. Select Sheet -> Labels -> Insert Label Table from the menu. Mesa inserts a two-column table with all assigned Label Names in the first column and their corresponding ranges in the second column. Reset a column's width back to the default Move the cell-pointer to the desired column and select Format -> Row And Column Size -> Reset Column Size to reset its width. 1. Place the cell-cursor in any cell within the desired column or select the entire column by using the mouse to click on its title in the worksheet frame. 2. Select Format -> Row And Column Size -> Reset Column Size from Mesa's main menu. This returns the column's width to the default width set in the Sheet Inspector. Advance the printer paper to the top of the page - not applicable - Mesa uses the NeXT Postscript facility for printing. Postscript printers are single-sheet printers and automatically advance to the top of the page. Advance the printer paper one line - not applicable - Mesa uses the NeXT Postscript facility for printing and Postscript does not support line feeds. Add a vertical grid to the graph display Click to select current graph. Select Graphics -> Graph Inspector and select Grid from the inspector menu. Click either the 'X-major' or 'X-minor' buttons in the 'Grid' box. 1. Click anywhere on the current graph to select it. 2. Select Graphics -> Graph Inspector from the Mesa menu to open the panel containing all graph options. 3. Click on Grid from the button-bar along the left to display grid options. 4. Click either the 'X-major' or 'X-minor' buttons in the 'Grid' box. 'X-major' adds widely spaced gridlines to the graph. 'X-minor' adds narrowly spaced lines. Click anywhere on the worksheet to bring it back to the front. Format the selected range to the text format highlight the cell range and select Format -> Cell Format Inspector . Click on Format to display the 'Display Format' box. Click the box's pop-up menu button and select 'Text'. 1. Highlight the cell range: Move to one corner, hold down the mouse-button, then drag to the diagonal corner of the range and release. 2. Select Format -> Cell Format Inspector from the Mesa menu. 3. Click on Format from the column menu on the left. A 'Display Format' box is displayed in the center of the panel. 4. Click the pop-up menu button at the top of the Display Format box and select 'Text' from the list of choices. This applies text formatting to the selected range. Click anywhere on the worksheet to bring it to the front. Delete an assigned range name Select Sheet -> Label -> Label Inspector to open the Label Inspector, select name to delete then click the DELETE button. 1. Open the Label Inspector by selecting Sheet -> Label -> Label Inspector. This panel displays all range names in use. 2. The top half of the panel is a window displaying all range names in use. If there are more names than fit in the window, a small scroll bar appears in the upper-left corner. Click and drag the scroll bar to view additional names. 3. When the name is on screen, click on it to select it. 4. Click DELETE. This clears the range name from memory. Click anywhere on the worksheet to bring it back to the front. Assign a legend for the D-data range Mesa does not allow legends to be edited individually. Instead, legends must be defined for all data ranges at once. Also, legend data must reside in the first row or first column in the range. To add legends to the current graph: 1. Click anywhere on the current graph to select it. 2. Select Graphics -> Graph Inspector from the Mesa menu to open the panel containing all graph options. 3. Click Legend on the button-bar along the left. 4. Click the button for the desired Legend location: LEFT, RIGHT, TOP, BOTTOM or NONE. The first four will automatically resize the graph to fit in the graph area. NONE clears all legends. 5. If the Legend boxes display without text, click LABELS from the Graph Inspector menu and select 'Top Row' (for horizontal data) or 'Left Column' (for vertical data). The Legends now appear within the graph. NOTE: If the text in the legends is too long, the graph will be blank. To correct this, shorten the legend text. Format the selected range to display values as percentages highlight the cell range and select Format -> Cell Format Inspector . Click on Format to display the 'Display Format' box. Click the box's pop-up menu button and select 'General'. Use the Decimal Place Slider to select the decimal places. 1. Highlight the cell range: Move to one corner, hold down the mouse-button, then drag to the diagonal corner of the range and release. 2. Select Format -> Cell Format Inspector from the Mesa menu. 3. Click on Format from the column menu on the left. A 'Display Format' box is displayed in the center of the panel. 4. Click the pop-up menu button at the top of the Display Format box and select 'General' from the list of choices. This applies general formatting to the selected range. 5. Select the number of decimal places to be displayed by highlighting that number. To select four places, highlight '0.1234'. Click anywhere on the worksheet to bring it to the front. Select XY Graph for the current graph type Highlight the worksheet data to be plotted and select Graphics -> XY Chart. Click to select the graph just pasted onto the worksheet. NOTE: Mesa requires a separate X-range for every data range (e.g., to plot 2 data ranges, use A1:A10 as first x range, B1:B10 as the A-range, C1:C10 as second x range, and D1:D10 as the B-range). 1. Highlight the data range: Move to one corner of the range, click and drag the mouse to the opposite corner and release the mouse-button. A range of cells will be highlighted (shaded). 2. Select Graphics -> XY Chart from the menu to paste the graph onto the worksheet. Graphs reside on top of the worksheet and can be moved and resized. Click on the graph to select it. 3. Select Graphics -> Graph Inspector from the menu. This opens the panel containing all graph settings. These steps place an XY chart on the active worksheet window. Format the selected range to not display on screen highlight the cell range and select Format -> Cell Format Inspector . Click on Format to display the 'Display Format' box. Click the box's pop-up menu button and select 'Hidden'. 1. Highlight the cell range: Move to one corner, hold down the mouse-button, then drag to the diagonal corner of the range and release. 2. Select Format -> Cell Format Inspector from the Mesa menu. 3. Click on Format from the column menu on the left. A 'Display Format' box is displayed in the center of the panel. 4. Click the pop-up menu button at the top of the Display Format box and select 'Hidden' from the list of choices. This hides the contents of the selected range. Click anywhere on the worksheet to bring it to the front. }Reset the X-axis range Mesa has no direct equivalent for this command. Mesa specifies the entire graph range at once, instead of range by range. For this reason, ranges cannot be modified individually; the entire range must be modified: The Graph Inspector allows the range to be enlarged (e.g., A1:D10 to A1:F10) or reduced (e.g., A1:D10 to A1:C8): 1. Click on the current graph to select it. (there must be a graph on-screen to do this.) 2. Select Graphics -> Graph Inspector from the menu to open the settings panel. 3. Click RANGE from the button-bar along the left to display the range(s). 4. Click in the 'Data Ranges' field, enter new range and press RETURN. The new range will be reflected in the active graph. NOTE: Extra ranges are available in the Graph Inspector for displaying data side-by-side with the primary data. Enter and modify them just like the primary range. Select Pie Graph for the current graph type Highlight the data to be plotted on the worksheet and select Graphics -> Pie Chart. 1. Highlight the data range: Move to one corner of the range, click and drag the mouse to the opposite corner and release the button. 2. Select Graphics -> Pie Chart from the menu to paste the graph onto the worksheet. Graphs reside on top of the worksheet and can be moved and resized. Mesa guesses the orientation of data before graphing it. If the graph does not look correct, reverse the data orientation. 1. Click on the graph to select it. 2. Select Graphics -> Graph Inspector to open the settings panel. 3. Click Orientation in the button-bar along the left to display orientation options. 4. Select the opposite of whatever is selected. (If 'Horizontal', choose 'Vertical'.) This should display the data properly. These steps place a Pie chart on the active worksheet window. Select Line Graph for the current graph type Highlight the worksheet data to be plotted and select Graphics -> Scatter. Click to select the graph just pasted onto the worksheet. Select Graphics -> Graph Inspector to open the Graph Inspector and click Current. Click 'Line' in the 'Scatter' box. 1. Highlight the data range: Move to one corner of the range, click and drag the mouse to the opposite corner and release the mouse-button. 2. Select Graphics -> Scatter from the menu to paste the graph onto the worksheet. Graphs reside on top of the worksheet and can be moved and resized. Click on the graph to select it. 3. Select Graphics -> Graph Inspector from the menu. This opens the panel containing all graph settings. 4. From the button-bar along the left, click Current to display Scatter plot settings. 5. Click on the 'Line' button in the scatter field. If both points and lines are desired, select 'Points And Lines'. These steps place a line chart on the active worksheet window. nPaste a table of all defined graph names onto the worksheet Mesa does not support this feature at this time. }Specify independent variable range for regression analysis Mesa does not support the Data Regression commands at this time. Reset all Sort settings Mesa has no direct equivalent for this command. Instead, open the Sort panel by selecting Sheet -> Database -> Sort and individually reset each setting. When done, click CANCEL to exit the Sort panel. }Reset the D-data range Mesa has no direct equivalent for this command. Mesa specifies the entire graph range at once, instead of range by range. For this reason, ranges cannot be modified individually; the entire range must be modified: The Graph Inspector allows the range to be enlarged (e.g., A1:D10 to A1:F10) or reduced (e.g., A1:D10 to A1:C8): 1. Click on the current graph to select it. (There must be a graph on-screen to do this.) 2. Select Graphics -> Graph Inspector from the menu to open the settings panel. 3. Click RANGE from the button-bar along the left to display the range(s). 4. Click in the 'Data Ranges' field, enter new range and press RETURN. The new range will be reflected in the active graph. NOTE: Extra ranges are available in the Graph Inspector for displaying data side-by-side with the primary data. Enter and modify them just like the primary range. iReset the input, criteria and output ranges Mesa does not support the Data Query commands at this time. TDisplay print files saved to disk Mesa does not support this feature at this time. Format the selected range to display values with digits separated by commas highlight the cell range and select Format -> Cell Format Inspector . Click on Format to display the 'Display Format' box. Click the box's pop-up menu button and select 'Comma'. Use the Decimal Place Slider to select the decimal places. 1. Highlight the cell range: Move to one corner, hold down the mouse-button, then drag to the diagonal corner of the range and release. 2. Select Format -> Cell Format Inspector from the Mesa menu. 3. Click on Format from the column menu on the left. A 'Display Format' box is displayed in the center of the panel. 4. Click the pop-up menu button at the top of the Display Format box and select 'Comma' from the list of choices. This applies comma formatting to the selected range. 5. Select the number of decimal places to be displayed by highlighting that number. To select four places, highlight '0.1234'. Click anywhere on the worksheet to bring it to the front. \Display files linked to current worksheet Mesa does not support this feature at this time. Insert printer page break at current row To have ranges printed on separate pages, include them on separate lines of the 'Ranges' box in the Report Layout panel. 1. Open the Report Layout panel by selecting Format -> Report Layout. This is where Mesa does print formatting. 2. Assign a report name by clicking in the 'Report Name' field, typing a new name and clicking ADD. The name will appear on the 'Reports' list. 3. Enter print ranges starting on the first line of the 'Ranges' box. Type one cell range or range-name per line, pressing ENTER after each entry. 4. To add a page break, divide the range into two ranges: the range preceding the page break and the range following it. (e.g., Range A1:D100 w/ break at A50 becomes Range A1:D50 and Range A51:D100.) 4. Click on CHANGE in the 'Report Name' box to assign the changes to the report name. 5. Click PRINT in the 'Report Name' box to print the current report. Click anywhere on the worksheet to bring it to the front again. Display graph in black & white To change the color of any part of a graph, select the graph by clicking on it, select Format -> Colors and select the appropriate color and drag-and-drop it onto the graph to change any of these elements: pie slices, bars, lines and text. 1. Select FORMAT->COLORS to open the Color panel. 2. Select a gray color by clicking its button. The color appears in the rectangular box in the panel called the Color Well. Different gray levels are available on the color panel. Use the one that looks best. 3. Move the mouse into the Color Well and hold down the mouse-button. A small square, filled with the current color, appears under the mouse arrow. This is a color chip. 4. Drag this chip onto the object whose color is to be changed and release the mouse-button. To change the color of a range on a graph, drop a color chip onto one element of that range (such as one of the columns) and all other elements of the range will change to that color. @Delete a named graph Delete a named graph by deleting its image from the worksheet: First, go to the graph's location on-screen: 1. Select Sheet -> Goto Cell. This opens the Goto panel, used to jump to a specified range or location. 2. Type in the name of the graph in the text box and press RETURN. Mesa will scroll the view to the location of the graph on the worksheet. Next, delete that graph: 1. Click anywhere on the graph to make it current. 2. Press BACKSPACE or select Edit -> Cut. This removes the named graph and all of its settings from the worksheet. Create a graph, specifying all ranges at once, with the ranges grouped in rows Highlight the data to be plotted and select Graphics. This displays a submenu showing all graph types. Select a chart type from this list: 1. Highlight the data to be plotted: Move to one corner of the range, click and hold down the mouse-button, drag to the opposite corner and release the mouse-button. 2. Select Graphics from the menu to display the submenu of graph types. 3. Select a chart type from this list. This pastes a graph onto the worksheet. By default, the program groups the data into ranges by column and its orientation must be changed: 1. Click the current graph to select it. 2. Select Graphics -> Graph Inspector to open the graph settings panel. 3. Click Orientation from the button-bar along the left. 4. Select the opposite of whatever is currently highlighted (if 'Vertical' , choose 'Horizontal'). Click anywhere on the worksheet to bring it to the front. `Import delimited text file into Mesa Select File -> Import Tabular Text , select text file to be imported, then click OK. Directly from a file: 1. Position the cursor where the text is to be pasted in. 2. Select File -> Import Tabular Text from the menu. This opens a window displaying all files and directories on disk. 2. Locate the desired file to import and click to select it. If a file cannot be located, be sure to check the home directory. 3. Click OK. From the clipboard: 1. Switch to the non-Mesa application containing the text and highlight the data to be copied. 2. Select Edit -> Paste to store the text in the 'pasteboard'. 3. Switch to Mesa and open a worksheet. 4. Move the cell-pointer to the top-left cell where the range is to be pasted in. 5. Select Edit -> Paste. This copies the text from the pasteboard onto the worksheet. Find records in the input range that match the specified criteria Select a search range, open the Find panel (Sheet -> Database -> Find ), enter the search phrase in the 'Find:' field and click NEXT or PREVIOUS. 1. Highlight the range of cells to be searched: Move to one corner of the range, hold down the mouse-button, then drag the mouse to the diagonal corner of the range and release. The range will be highlighted (shaded). 2. Next, select Sheet -> Database -> Find to open the Find panel. Locate the box that reads 'Search Range' and select 'Selected Range'. 3. Click in the 'Find:' field and enter the search phrase. 3. Click NEXT to find the first occurrence of the search phrase. The cursor jumps to the cell containing the phrase. Click NEXT again to select the next occurrence. Click PREVIOUS to search backwards through the list. Click the small 'X' box in the upper-right corner of the Find panel to conclude the search. Reformat column of text as a paragraph Mesa has no direct equivalent for this command: Mesa allows word-wrapping of long labels only within the cell. This feature is applied by moving to the desired cell and choosing FORMAT->CELL_FORMAT..., then setting its alignment to 'Wrap'. 1. Move to a cell with a long label entered into it, using the arrow keys or the mouse. 2. Select Format -> Cell Format Inspector from the menu to open the Cell Format Inspector panel. This panel contains options for formatting cells. 3. Select Alignment from a menu of options on the left. 4. An 'Alignment' box now appears in the panel. Click the pop-up menu button in the box and select Wrap. 5. Click anyplace on the worksheet to bring it back to the front. The text in the selected cell will no longer spill into the next column. Instead, when it reaches the right border of the cell, it wraps down to the next line. NOTE: Row height and cell width might need to be adjusted to see all the cell's contents. Specify cell addresses for the X-axis range Mesa specifies the entire data range at once, instead of range by range. To create a graph, highlight the data to be plotted and select Graphics. Next, select a chart type from the submenu of graph types. 1. Highlight the data range: Move to one corner of the range, click and drag the mouse to the opposite corner and release the button. 2. Select Graphics from the menu to display a submenu showing all available graph types. 3. Select a chart type from this list to paste the graph onto the worksheet. Graphs sit on top of the worksheet data and can be moved and resized. NOTE: Ranges cannot be modified individually; the entire range must be modified. 1. Click on the current graph to select it. 2. Select Graphics -> Graph Inspector from the menu to open the settings panel. 3. Click RANGE from the button-bar along the left to display the range(s). 4. Click in the 'Data Ranges' field, enter new range and press RETURN. Send printer output to a file Postscript print files (EPS files) can be created directly from the worksheet or from the Report Formatter: From the worksheet: 1. Select PRINT from the menu. 2. This opens the Print panel. Click on the SAVE button in the lower-left corner. 3. Select a directory and filename and click OK. From the Report Formatter: 1. Highlight a report name in the 'Reports' panel. If not, click on one to select it. 2. Specify a print range in the 'Range' box and add any desired formatting. 3. Click CHANGE to enter these changes. 4. Type COMMAND-p to open the Print panel. 5. Click on the SAVE button in the lower-left corner. 6. Select a directory and filename and click OK. When done printing, click anyplace on the worksheet to bring it to the front. MDisplay the current graph on-screen Mesa automatically displays the current graph on screen when it is defined. The graph is pasted onto the worksheet as a movable, resizable graphic image. To create a graph: 1. Highlight the data range: Move to one corner of the range, click and drag the mouse to the opposite corner and release the button. 2. Select Graphics from the menu to display a submenu showing all available graph types. 3. Select a chart type from this list to paste the graph onto the worksheet. Graphs sit on top of the worksheet data and can be moved and resized. uRetrieve a saved worksheet file Select File -> Open, select file to open and click OK. 1. Select File -> Open from the menu. This opens a window displaying files and directories on the disk. 2. Every user has a 'Home' directory where his or her personal files are stored. If a file cannot be found, the home directory is the best place to start looking. Select a file or directory from the panel or click HOME to display the home directory. 3. When the desired file is located, click it to select it, then click OK. If it cannot be found, repeat step 2. Mesa loads the file, restoring its appearance when it was saved. GOSYFD5 Set the display format for numbers along the Y-axis as Dates: MM/DD Mesa does not support this feature at this time. Mesa provides only Fixed and Scientific formatting for the Y-axis values. GOSYFD1 Set the display format for numbers along the Y-axis as Dates: DD-MMM-YY Mesa does not support this feature at this time. Mesa provides only Fixed and Scientific formatting for the Y-axis values. Specify cell addresses for the F-data range Mesa specifies the entire data range at once, instead of range by range. To create a graph, highlight the data to be plotted and select Graphics. Next, select a chart type from the submenu of graph types. 1. Highlight the data range: Move to one corner of the range, click and drag the mouse to the opposite corner and release the button. 2. Select Graphics from the menu to display a submenu showing all available graph types. 3. Select a chart type from this list to paste the graph onto the worksheet. Graphs sit on top of the worksheet data and can be moved and resized. NOTE: Ranges cannot be modified individually; the entire range must be modified: 1. Click on the current graph to select it. 2. Select Graphics -> Graph Inspector from the menu to open the settings panel. 3. Click RANGE from the button-bar along the left to display the range(s). 4. Click in the 'Data Ranges' field, enter new range and press RETURN. Specify cell addresses for the D-data range Mesa specifies the entire data range at once, instead of range by range. To create a graph, highlight the data to be plotted and select Graphics. Next, select a chart type from the submenu of graph types. 1. Highlight the data range: Move to one corner of the range, click and drag the mouse to the opposite corner and release the button. 2. Select Graphics from the menu to display a submenu showing all available graph types. 3. Select a chart type from this list to paste the graph onto the worksheet. Graphs sit on top of the worksheet data and can be moved and resized. NOTE: Ranges cannot be modified individually; the entire range must be modified: 1. Click on the current graph to select it. 2. Select Graphics -> Graph Inspector from the menu to open the settings panel. 3. Click RANGE from the button-bar along the left to display the range(s). 4. Click in the 'Data Ranges' field, enter new range and press RETURN. Specify cell addresses for the B-data range Mesa specifies the entire data range at once, instead of range by range. To create a graph, highlight the data to be plotted and select Graphics. Next, select a chart type from the submenu of graph types. 1. Highlight the data range: Move to one corner of the range, click and drag the mouse to the opposite corner and release the button. 2. Select Graphics from the menu to display a submenu showing all available graph types. 3. Select a chart type from this list to paste the graph onto the worksheet. Graphs sit on top of the worksheet data and can be moved and resized. NOTE: Ranges cannot be modified individually; the entire range must be modified: 1. Click on the current graph to select it. 2. Select Graphics -> Graph Inspector from the menu to open the settings panel. 3. Click RANGE from the button-bar along the left to display the range(s). 4. Click in the 'Data Ranges' field, enter new range and press RETURN. Fills a selected range with an increasing or decreasing sequence of values Mesa has a feature called SmartFill that can fill a range with values in increments of one: Highlight a range of cells. Enter a value in the top cell and select Sheet -> Fill and then either Fill Smart Down or Fill Smart Right. 1. Highlight the range of cells to be filled: Move to one corner, hold down the mouse-button, then drag the mouse to the diagonal corner of the range and release. The range will be highlighted (shaded). 2. Next, select Sheet -> Fill from the menu. 3. Mesa can fill down and fill across ranges, depending on what is needed. Select Fill Smart Down to fill from the top of the range to the bottom. Select Fill Smart Right to fill from left to right. This feature takes the first value entered and copies it into the other cells, incrementing it by one each time. It continues until the end of the range is reached. Click anywhere on the worksheet to bring it to the front. zCreate a frequency distribution for the selected range Mesa does not support the Data Distribution feature at this time. ^Detach an add-in program Mesa supports function AddIns, which are custom functions attached to Mesa when the program is started. To detach an AddIn, open the Preferences panel (Info -> Preferences ), select the AddIn to be removed from the 'Function Add-Ins Loaded' window and click REMOVE. Click OK to return to the worksheet. 1. Open the Preferences panel by selecting Info -> Preferences from Mesa's main menu. 2. In the box that reads 'Function Add-ins Loaded', click ADD to open the File panel. 3. The File panel displays all files on disk. Select, by clicking, the directory containing the AddIn functions. 4. Select the function to be loaded. AddIn files end with the '.O' (for Object) extension. 5. Click OK. That function is now listed in the 'Function Add-Ins Loaded' window. Click OK in the Preferences panel to return to the worksheet. WGFDT1 LSet the global number display format to Time as HH:MM:SS AM/PM in the Sheet Inspector Open the Sheet Inspector (Format -> Sheet Inspector ) and select Format. Click '1' in the 'Base Style' box. Click the pop-up menu button in the 'Display Format' box and select Date-HMS. 1. Select Format -> Sheet Inspector from the main menu to open a panel displaying the global worksheet settings. 2. Click the Format button from the column of menu choices on the left. This displays cell format options. 3. Click '1' in the 'Base Style' box, then click the pop-up menu button (square button with smaller square in it) appearing near the top of the 'Display Format' box. 4. Select Date-HMS from the menu of choices. This sets the global display format to the HH:MM:SS AM/PM time format. Click anywhere on the worksheet to bring it to the front. PPOBC Set a column border range Mesa uses custom Print Reports to customize and store print settings within each worksheet. Report Tags are used to add custom formatting, such as print borders, to Print Reports. To create a Print Report: 1. Select Format -> Report Layout to open the Report Formatter. 2. Click and enter a name in the 'Report Name'. 3. Click the Add button. Border ranges are entered in the 'Ranges' box and must be preceded by a print range. To enter them: 1. The Range field is in the middle of the panel. It allows you to enter from 1 to 32 print ranges. 2. Click on the first line of this field so that a text-cursor appears. 3. Type in a range (e.g., d1:z100) and, on the same line, type '[space]s=' followed by the column border range (e.g., t=a1:b1) and press RETURN. 4. Click on the CHANGE button in the Report box to save these settings. To use the report, click on 'Print:' in the 'Report' box or click on the worksheet to bring it to the front. WGFDT3 TSet the global number display format to Time as HH:MM:SS 24-hour in the Sheet Inspector Open the Sheet Inspector (Format -> Sheet Inspector ) and select Format. Click '1' in the 'Base Style' box. Click the pop-up menu button in the 'Display Format' box and select Time-Intl1. 1. Select Format -> Sheet Inspector from the main menu to open a panel displaying the global worksheet settings. 2. Click the Format button from the column of menu choices on the left. This displays cell format options. 3. Click '1' in the 'Base Style' box, then click the pop-up menu button (square button with smaller square in it) appearing near the top of the 'Display Format' box. 4. Select Time-Intl1 from the menu of choices. This sets the global display format to the HH:MM:SS 24-hour time format. Click anywhere on the worksheet to bring it to the front. +Display worksheet settings entered using Worksheet Global Default commands The Lotus 1-2-3 Default settings and equivalent Mesa instructions are listed below. An 'N/A' appears next to settings not supported in Mesa. Click anywhere on the worksheet to return to it. Print Interface: N/A Print AutoLF: N/A Print Margins: N/A Print Pg Length: N/A Print Wait: N/A Print Setup Code: N/A Print Name: N/A Add-ins: Info -> Preferences Directory: N/A Auto-exec macros: Info -> Preferences Int'l Dec Separator: N/A Int'l Arg Separator: N/A Int'l 1000's Separator: N/A Int'l Currency: Info -> Preferences Int'l Date: N/A (MM/DD/YY and MM/DD formats only) Int'l Time: N/A (HH:MM:SS and HH:MM formats only) Int'l Negative: N/A Int'l Help: N/A Int'l Clock Display: N/A Int'l Undo: N/A Int'l Beep: N/A TSet the global cell alignment as centered in the Sheet Inspector Open the Sheet Inspector by selecting Format -> Sheet Inspector and select Alignment. Click '1' in the 'Base Style' box. Click the pop-up menu button in the 'Alignment' box and select Center. 1. Select Format -> Sheet Inspector from the menu. This opens a panel displaying the global worksheet settings. 2. The left side of the panel displays a column of menu choices. Click on the Alignment button to display cell alignment options, then Click '1' in the 'Base Style' box. 3. An 'Alignment' box appears with a pop-up menu button inside (it looks like a button with a small square on the right side). Click on this button. 4. Select Center from the menu of choices. This sets the global cell alignment to centered. Click anywhere on the worksheet to bring it to the front. Set the global number display format to general in the Sheet Inspector Open the Sheet Inspector (Format -> Sheet Inspector )and select Format. Click '1' in the 'Base Style' box. Click the pop-up menu button in the 'Display Format' box and select General. Use the Decimal Place Slider to select the desired number of decimal places. 1. Select Format -> Sheet Inspector from the menu to open the worksheet settings panel. 2. Click the Format button from the column of menu choices on the left. This displays cell format options. 3. Click '1' in the 'Base Style' box, then click the pop-up menu button (square button with smaller square in it) appearing near the top of the 'Display Format' box. 4. Select General from the menu of choices. 5. The Decimal Place Slider is also in the the 'Display Format' box. Highlight the number of decimal places to be displayed. To select 4 decimal places, highlight '0.1234'. Click anywhere on the worksheet to bring it to the front. Create a system shell where file operations can be performed - not applicable - The NeXT operating environment provides the option of returning to the File Viewer at any time by clicking on the NEXT icon in the application dock along the right edge of the window. When the File Viewer window is active, all standard file activities can be performed, including copying, moving and deleting files. 8Reset all printer settings back to their defaults Mesa print settings are stored as Print Reports in the Report Formatter panel. To clear a Report's formatting, delete that report: 1. Select Format -> Report_Layout to open the Report Formatter. This panel is used to add, modify or delete custom print settings. 2. Click on one of the report names in the 'Reports' field. This makes that report active. 3. Click DELETE, also in the 'Reports' field. This erases that report and all its settings. Click anyplace on the worksheet to bring it back to the front. FExit from the worksheet and return to the system Exit from Mesa by selecting QUIT from the menu. If the active worksheet(s) is not saved, the program asks if it should 'REVIEW' (save) them; otherwise, the program prompts you to 'CANCEL' the operation or 'QUIT'. Choosing QUIT will return you to the NeXT workspace manager. -Add a sub-title to the current graph Click to select current graph. Select Graphics -> Graph Inspector and select Titles from the inspector menu. Click in the 'Second:' field and enter the title for the graph. 1. Click anywhere on the current graph to select it. 2. Select Graphics -> Graph Inspector from the Mesa menu to open the panel containing all graph options. 3. Click on Titles from the button-bar along the left to display Title options. 4. Click in the 'Second:' field so that a text-cursor appears. Type the graph's title and press RETURN. This inserts this text as a title on the top of the graph. To use cell references, type a cell address (e.g., A1) in the 'Second:' field, then click on the 'Cell Reference' box below it. Click anywhere on the worksheet to bring it back to the front. Move one or more cells to a new location Highlight the cell(s) to be moved and select Edit -> Cut. Highlight the range to be pasted into and select Edit -> Paste. 1. Highlight the range of cells to be moved: Move to one corner of the range, click and drag the mouse to the opposite corner and release the mouse-button. 2. Select Edit -> Cut from the menu. This transfers the range to a temporary storage area called the 'pasteboard'. 3. Move the cell-pointer to the top-left cell of the paste location. To paste into multiple locations, highlight a range of cells: To do 3 pastes of A1:A10 going across, highlight C1:E10 (3 cols x 10 rows) To do 3 pastes of A1:B4 going across, highlight C1:H4 (6 cols x 4 rows) To to 4 pastes of A1:B2 going down, highlight C1:D8 (2 cols x 8 rows) 4. Select Edit -> Paste to paste the data. If the error 'Cannot Paste the range...' appears, try a different sized range, then redo step 4. Assign a legend for the C-data range Mesa does not allow legends to be edited individually. Instead, legends must be defined for all data ranges at once. Also, legend data must reside in the first row or first column in the range. To add legends to the current graph: 1. Click anywhere on the current graph to select it. 2. Select Graphics -> Graph Inspector from the Mesa menu to open the panel containing all graph options. 3. Click Legend on the button-bar along the left. 4. Click the button for the desired Legend location: LEFT, RIGHT, TOP, BOTTOM or NONE. The first four will automatically resize the graph to fit in the graph area. NONE clears all legends. 5. If the Legend boxes display without text, click LABELS from the Graph Inspector menu and select 'Top Row' (for horizontal data) or 'Left Column' (for vertical data). The Legends now appear within the graph. NOTE: If the text in the legends is too long, the graph will be blank. To correct this, shorten the legend text. pSelect lines and/or points for XY and Scatter graphs Click to select current graph. Select Graphics -> Graph Inspector and select Current from the inspector menu. Select 'Points', 'Line' or 'Points and Lines' from the box in the center of the panel. 1. Click anywhere on the current graph to select it. 2. Select Graphics -> Graph Inspector from the Mesa menu to open the panel containing all graph options. 3. Click on Current from the button-bar along the left. 4. Click on the button for the desired graph option: 'Points', 'Line' or 'Points and Lines'. Click anywhere on the worksheet to return it to the front. GODLA gAssign text labels to the points in the A-data range Mesa does not support this feature at this time. GODLB gAssign text labels to the points in the B-data range Mesa does not support this feature at this time. PPOBR Set a row border range Mesa uses custom Print Reports to customize and store print settings within each worksheet. Report Tags are used to add custom formatting, such as print borders, to Print Reports. To create a Print Report: 1. Select Format -> Report Layout to open the Report Formatter. 2. Click and enter a name in the 'Report Name'. 3. Click the Add button. Border ranges are entered in the 'Ranges' box and must be preceded by a print range. To enter them: 1. The Range field is in the middle of the panel. It allows you to enter from 1 to 32 print ranges. 2. Click on the first line of this field so that a text-cursor appears. 3. Type in a range (e.g., a3:z100) and, on the same line, type '[space]t=' followed by the row border range (e.g., t=a1:a2) and press RETURN. 4. Click on the CHANGE button in the Report box to save these settings. To use the report, click on 'Print:' in the 'Report' box or click on the worksheet to bring it to the front. GODLC gAssign text labels to the points in the C-data range Mesa does not support this feature at this time. GODLD gAssign text labels to the points in the D-data range Mesa does not support this feature at this time. GODLE gAssign text labels to the points in the E-data range Mesa does not support this feature at this time. Make one or more copies of a cell range Highlight the cell(s) to be copied and select Edit -> Copy. Highlight the range to be copied into and select Edit -> Paste. 1. Highlight the range of cells to be copied: Move to one corner of the range, click and drag the mouse to the opposite corner and release the mouse-button. 2. Select Edit -> Copy from the menu. This makes a copy of the range in a temporary storage area called the 'pasteboard'. 3. Move the cell-pointer to the top-left cell of the paste location. To make multiple copies, highlight a range of cells: To make 3 copies of A1:A10 going across, highlight C1:E10 (3 cols x 10 rows) To make 3 copies of A1:B4 going across, highlight C1:H4 (6 cols x 4 rows) To make 4 copies of A1:B2 going down, highlight C1:D8 (2 cols x 8 rows) 4. Select Edit -> Paste to copy the data. If the error 'Cannot Paste the range...' appears, try a different sized range, then redo step 4. GODLF gAssign text labels to the points in the F-data range Mesa does not support this feature at this time. GODLG eAssign text labels to all points in the data range Mesa does not support this feature at this time. WGDPAY Suppress program-issued carriage returns - not applicable - NeXT printers are Postscript 'page printers' that don't support line printing; therefore, this command is not applicable. GOSXFD5 Set the display format for numbers along the X-axis as Date5: MM/DD X-axis numbers are formatted by applying formatting to the underlying cells making up the axis titles. 1. Highlight the cell range: Move to one corner, hold down the mouse-button, then drag to the diagonal corner of the range and release. 2. Select Format -> Cell Format Inspector from the Mesa menu. 3. Click on Format from the column menu on the left. A 'Display Format' box is displayed in the center of the panel. 4. Click the pop-up menu button at the top of the Display Format box and select 'Date-Intl2' from the list of choices. This applies MM/DD date formatting to the selected range. Click anywhere on the worksheet to bring it to the front. Type COMMAND-= to refresh the graph. GOSXFD1 Set the display format for numbers along the X-axis as Date1: DD-MMM-YY X-axis numbers are formatted by applying formatting to the underlying cells making up the axis titles. 1. Highlight the cell range: Move to one corner, hold down the mouse-button, then drag to the diagonal corner of the range and release. 2. Select Format -> Cell Format Inspector from the Mesa menu. 3. Click on Format from the column menu on the left. A 'Display Format' box is displayed in the center of the panel. 4. Click the pop-up menu button at the top of the Display Format box and select 'D-M-Year' from the list of choices. This applies DD-MMM-YY date formatting to the selected range. Click anywhere on the worksheet to bring it to the front. Type COMMAND-= to refresh the graph. Turn off zero-suppression so that zero-values are displayed on-screen - not applicable - Mesa always displays zero-values on the screen and this cannot be modified. ~Set the worksheet recalculation order to natural - not applicable - Mesa performs all cell recalculations in natural order. \Set the global cell alignment to right-aligned in the Sheet Inspector Open the Sheet Inspector by selecting Format -> Sheet Inspector and select Alignment. Click '1' in the 'Base Style' box. Click the pop-up menu button in the 'Alignment' box and select Right. 1. Select Format -> Sheet Inspector from the menu. This opens a panel displaying the global worksheet settings. 2. The left side of the panel displays a column of menu choices. Click on the Alignment button to display cell alignment options, then Click '1' in the 'Base Style' box. 3. An 'Alignment' box appears with a pop-up menu button inside (it looks like a button with a small square on the right side). Click on this button. 4. Select Right from the menu of choices. This sets the global cell alignment to right-aligned. Click anywhere on the worksheet to bring it to the front. VSet number of lines to be printed per page - not applicable - Mesa uses the NeXT Postscript facility for printing, which prints single-sheet, standard-length paper. If a paper size other than letter (8.5'' x 11'') is being used, indicate the paper size in the 'Page Layout' box of the Report Formatter. Enter the new dimensions (in inches) in the 'Page Width' and 'Page Height' boxes. If you desire page breaks after printing less than a full page of text, reduce the range sizes and put them on separate lines (e.g., use A1:A10, A11:A20, etc., instead of A1:A100 to print 10 lines per page). Create a print header Mesa uses custom Print Reports to customize and store print settings within each worksheet. Report Tags are used to add custom formatting, such as headers, to Print Reports. To create a Print Report: 1. Select Format -> Report Layout to open the Report Formatter. 2. Click and enter a name in the 'Report Name'. 3. Click the Add button. To add a Report Tag: 1. The Tags box contains seven different tags: cell contents, date, file name, page #, path name, text and time. 2. Move the mouse to the desired tag, hold down the mouse-button and drag the tag onto the Page Layout window. Position where desired on the page, then release the mouse-button. (Position the tag ABOVE the top horizontal line to create a header.) 3. A small, resizable box will be pasted onto the page. This is the report tag. To use the report, click on 'Print:' in the 'Report' box or click on the worksheet to bring it to the front. Set the global number display format to fixed decimal in the Sheet Inspector Open the Sheet Inspector (Format -> Sheet Inspector )and select Format. Click '1' in the 'Base Style' box. Click the pop-up menu button in the 'Display Format' box and select Fixed Decimal. Use the Decimal Place Slider to select the desired number of decimal places. 1. Select Format -> Sheet Inspector from the menu to open the worksheet settings panel. 2. Click the Format button from the column of menu choices on the left. This displays cell format options. 3. Click '1' in the 'Base Style' box, then click the pop-up menu button (square button with smaller square in it) appearing near the top of the 'Display Format' box. 4. Select Fixed Decimal from the menu of choices. 5. The Decimal Place Slider is also in the the 'Display Format' box. Highlight the number of decimal places to be displayed. To select 4 decimal places, highlight '0.1234'. Click anywhere on the worksheet to bring it to the front. eClear horizontal and vertical titles from the worksheet Mesa must clear horizontal and vertical titles separately: Using the mouse, double-click on the heavy black line that appears just under the column headings. This clears the horizontal titles. Double-click on the heavy black line just right of the row numbers column to clear the vertical titles. To move a cell or a range of cells, first select the cells to be moved. You can do this by highlighting the cell or the range by clicking on the first cell in the range and, while holding down the mouse button, dragging to last cell in the range. You can also select a range of cells by selecting Goto Cell from the Sheet menu (Command-g) and typing in the range that you want to select (for example A1:B7) and pressing return. Select Copy from the Edit menu (Command-c). Then select the cell in the upper left corner of the range that you want to copy to, and select Move from the Paste Special menu in the Edit menu. To drag the selected range to move it to a new location, hold down the Control key and click-drag the range to it's destination. The computer will animate the selection while you are dragging it. If you decide that you don't want to copy the range, release the Control key and the operation will be aborted. Cancel the range assigned to record keystrokes Mesa does not support this feature at this time. Mesa fully supports most Lotus 1-2-3 macro commands, but the macro-record feature is not currently available. Assign the legends from a worksheet range This is the only way Mesa allows legends to be defined for all data ranges at once. Also, legend data must reside in the first row or first column in the range. 1. Click anywhere on the current graph to select it. 2. Select Graphics -> Graph Inspector from the Mesa menu to open the panel containing all graph options. 3. Click Legend on the button-bar along the left. 4. Click the button for the desired Legend location: LEFT, RIGHT, TOP, BOTTOM or NONE. The first four will automatically resize the graph to fit in the graph area. NONE clears all legends. 5. If the Legend boxes display without text, click LABELS from the Graph Inspector menu and select 'Top Row' (for horizontal data) or 'Left Column' (for vertical data). The Legends now appear within the graph. NOTE: If the text in the legends is too long, the graph will be blank. To correct this, shorten the legend text. Format the selected range to display in scientific notation highlight the cell range and select Format -> Cell Format Inspector . Click on Format to display the 'Display Format' box. Click the box's pop-up menu button and select 'Scientific'. Use the Decimal Place Slider to select the decimal places. 1. Highlight the cell range: Move to one corner, hold down the mouse-button, then drag to the diagonal corner of the range and release. 2. Select Format -> Cell Format Inspector from the Mesa menu. 3. Click on Format from the column menu on the left. A 'Display Format' box is displayed in the center of the panel. 4. Click the pop-up menu button at the top of the Display Format box and select 'Scientific' from the list of choices. This applies scientific formatting to the selected range. 5. Select the number of decimal places to be displayed by highlighting that number. To select four places, highlight '0.1234'. Click anywhere on the worksheet to bring it to the front. Send job, with current settings, to printer Print jobs can be executed in two ways: unformatted printing can be done directly from the worksheet and formatted printing is done from the Report Formatter. To print the current range from the worksheet: 1. Select PRINT from the menu. 2. This opens the Print panel. Click on the PRINT button in the lower-right corner. To print from the Report Formatter: 1. Highlight a report name in the 'Reports' panel. If not, click on one to select it. 2. Click on the PRINT: button, also in the 'Reports' panel. 3. This opens the Print panel. Click on the PRINT button in the lower-right corner. When done printing, click anyplace on the worksheet to bring it to the front. Assign a name to a cell or range of cells Select the cell(s) to be named and select Sheet -> Label -> Label Inspector. Enter a new name and click ADD. 1. Highlight the cell range to be named: Move to one corner of the range, click and drag the mouse to the diagonal corner of the range and release the mouse-button. A range of cells should be highlighted (shaded). 2. Select Sheet -> Label -> Label Inspector to open the Label Inspector. This panel displays all range names in use and allows new ones to be defined. 3. Near the center of the panel are two long white boxes, side by side. The first is used to enter names for ranges. The second is used to tell what range the name is assigned to. Click in the first box and type a new name. 4. The second box shows the range selected in step 1. If not click in the box, enter the range and press RETURN. 5. Click ADD to add the name to the list. This defines the range name. Click anywhere on the worksheet to return it to the front. \Delete columns from the worksheet, shifting columns left Select the position and number of columns to delete by highlighting them from the worksheet frame, then select Edit -> Delete. 1. Specify where to begin deleting columns by clicking at that location in the worksheet frame (the row that says 'A B C D...'). This selects the entire column. 2. To delete more than one column, click and hold down the button and drag right, highlighting as many columns as you want to delete. 3. Select Edit -> Delete. Mesa deletes the selected columns from the worksheet, shifting adjacent columns left. Assign a legend for the B-data range Mesa does not allow legends to be edited individually. Instead, legends must be defined for all data ranges at once. Also, legend data must reside in the first row or first column in the range. To add legends to the current graph: 1. Click anywhere on the current graph to select it. 2. Select Graphics -> Graph Inspector from the Mesa menu to open the panel containing all graph options. 3. Click Legend on the button-bar along the left. 4. Click the button for the desired Legend location: LEFT, RIGHT, TOP, BOTTOM or NONE. The first four will automatically resize the graph to fit in the graph area. NONE clears all legends. 5. If the Legend boxes display without text, click LABELS from the Graph Inspector menu and select 'Top Row' (for horizontal data) or 'Left Column' (for vertical data). The Legends now appear within the graph. NOTE: If the text in the legends is too long, the graph will be blank. To correct this, shorten the legend text. Select lines and/or points for the F-range for XY and Scatter graphs Mesa does not format graph ranges individually, but formats all ranges at once. To change the display format for the entire graph: Click to select current graph. Select Graphics -> Graph Inspector and select Current from the inspector menu. Select 'Points', 'Line' or 'Points and Lines' from the box in the center of the panel. 1. Click anywhere on the current graph to select it. 2. Select Graphics -> Graph Inspector from the Mesa menu to open the panel containing all graph options. 3. Click on Current from the button-bar along the left. 4. Click on the button for the desired graph option: 'Points', 'Line' or 'Points and Lines'. Click anywhere on the worksheet to return it to the front. Format the selected range to display values in the general format highlight the cell range and select Format -> Cell Format Inspector . Click on Format to display the 'Display Format' box. Click the box's pop-up menu button and select 'General'. Use the Decimal Place Slider to select the decimal places. 1. Highlight the cell range: Move to one corner, hold down the mouse-button, then drag to the diagonal corner of the range and release. 2. Select Format -> Cell Format Inspector from the Mesa menu. 3. Click on Format from the column menu on the left. A 'Display Format' box is displayed in the center of the panel. 4. Click the pop-up menu button at the top of the Display Format box and select 'General' from the list of choices. This applies general formatting to the selected range. 5. Select the number of decimal places to be displayed by highlighting that number. To select four places, highlight '0.1234'. Click anywhere on the worksheet to bring it to the front. Select Stacked Bar Graph for the current graph type Highlight the data to be plotted on the worksheet and select Graphics -> Stacked Column Chart. (Mesa refers to bar charts as column charts.) 1. Highlight the data range: Move to one corner of the range, click and drag the mouse to the opposite corner and release the button. 2. Select Graphics -> Stacked Column Chart from the menu to paste the graph onto the worksheet. Graphs reside on top of the worksheet and can be moved and resized. Mesa guesses the orientation of data before graphing it. If the graph does not look correct, reverse the data orientation: 1. Click on the graph to select it. 2. Select Graphics -> Graph Inspector to open the settings panel. 3. Click Orientation in the button-bar along the left to display orientation options. 4. Select the opposite of whatever is selected. (If 'Horizontal', choose 'Vertical'.) This should display the data properly. These steps place a stacked bar chart on the active worksheet window. Format the selected range to display values in the currency format highlight the cell range and select Format -> Cell Format Inspector . Click on Format to display the 'Display Format' box. Click the box's pop-up menu button and select 'Currency'. Use the Decimal Place Slider to select the decimal places. 1. Highlight the cell range: Move to one corner, hold down the mouse-button, then drag to the diagonal corner of the range and release. 2. Select Format -> Cell Format Inspector from the Mesa menu. 3. Click on Format from the column menu on the left. A 'Display Format' box is displayed in the center of the panel. 4. Click the pop-up menu button at the top of the Display Format box and select 'Currency' from the list of choices. This applies currency formatting to the selected range. 5. Select the number of decimal places to be displayed by highlighting that number. To select four places, highlight '0.1234'. Click anywhere on the worksheet to bring it to the front. To copy a cell or a range of cells, first select the cells to be copied. You can do this by highlighting the cell or the range by clicking on the first cell in the range and, while holding down the mouse button, dragging to last cell in the range. You can also select a range of cells by selecting Goto Cell from the Sheet menu (Command-g) and typing in the range that you want to select (for example A1:B7) and pressing return. Select Copy from the Edit menu (Command-c). Then select the cell in the upper left corner of the range that you want to copy to, and select Paste from the Edit menu (Command-v). To drag the selected range to copy it to a new location, hold down the Alternate key and click-drag the range to it's destination. The computer will animate the selection while you are dragging it. If you decide that you don't want to copy the range, release the Alternate key and the operation will be aborted. Return the current graph to the default settings Mesa has no direct equivalent for this command. Delete the current graph to cancel all its settings, then recreate it: 1. Click anywhere on the graph to make it current. 2. Press BACKSPACE or select Edit -> Cut. This removes the graph and all of its settings from the worksheet. Re-create the graph to display it using default settings. Another option is to manually reset each option in the Graph Inspector. 1. Select Graphics -> Graph Inspector from the menu to open the settings panel. 2. Reset individual options by choosing them from the button-bar along the left and making the appropriate changes. MDisplay worksheet files saved to disk Mesa has no direct equivalent for this command. Select File -> Open from the main menu to see a listing of Mesa files. Browse the files in different directories by clicking on the directory names. Open a worksheet by clicking on it and clicking OK; otherwise click CANCEL to close the panel. Cancel all settings for the current graph Delete the current graph to cancel all its settings: 1. Click anywhere on the graph to make it current. 2. Press BACKSPACE or select Edit -> Cut. This removes the graph and all of its settings from the worksheet. Extract unique records from the input range that match the specified criteria Mesa does not support the Data Query commands at this time. }Reset the C-data range Mesa has no direct equivalent for this command. Mesa specifies the entire graph range at once, instead of range by range. For this reason, ranges cannot be modified individually; the entire range must be modified: The Graph Inspector allows the range to be enlarged (e.g., A1:D10 to A1:F10) or reduced (e.g., A1:D10 to A1:C8): 1. Click on the current graph to select it. (There must be a graph on-screen to do this.) 2. Select Graphics -> Graph Inspector from the menu to open the settings panel. 3. Click RANGE from the button-bar along the left to display the range(s). 4. Click in the 'Data Ranges' field, enter new range and press RETURN. The new range will be reflected in the active graph. NOTE: Extra ranges are available in the Graph Inspector for displaying data side-by-side with the primary data. Enter and modify them just like the primary range. oSpecify output range for regression analysis Mesa does not support the Data Regression commands at this time. QDisplay any file saved on disk Mesa does not support this feature at this time. Format the selected range to display values as horizontal bar charts highlight the cell range and select Format -> Cell Format Inspector . Click on Format to display the 'Display Format' box. Click the box's pop-up menu button and select 'Chart'. 1. Highlight the cell range: Move to one corner, hold down the mouse-button, then drag to the diagonal corner of the range and release. 2. Select Format -> Cell Format Inspector from the Mesa menu. 3. Click on Format from the column menu on the left. A 'Display Format' box is displayed in the center of the panel. 4. Click the pop-up menu button at the top of the Display Format box and select 'Chart' from the list of choices. This applies chart formatting to the selected range. Click anywhere on the worksheet to bring it to the front. rSpecify the range where parsed data should be stored Mesa does not support the Data Parse commands at this time. WindowTemplate iiii***@s@ Slash Help Panel Field1 File's Owner Field2 ScrollingText IBControlConnector IBConnector performClick: IBOutletConnector window field delegate strings help: IBHelpConnector "MesaMenus/Main/Info/SlashHelp.rtfd